2019-9-23 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2019-9-23 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

5minHousekeepingAndrea Loigman
30minInventoryCharlotte WhittProposal for changes to inventorySearch in Inventory deck
25minLoan PoliciesAlternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request

Questions blocking development:

  • Should "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" only display if "Allow renewal of items with an active, pending hold request" is checked?  
  • For Rolling loans:
    • Should it be possible for "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" to be left blank?
    • If so, what should happen?
  • For Fixed loans:
    • Is it correct that "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" is specified as rolling time period as opposed to a FDDS?
    • Should it be possible for "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" to be left blank?
    • If so, what should happen?

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Loan policiesQ3/Q4
  • Should "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" only display if "Allow renewal of items with an active, pending hold request" is checked?  YES
  • For Rolling loans:
    • Should it be possible for "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" to be left blank? YES
    • If so, what should happen? 
      • Use "Alternate fixed due date schedule for renewals" (in Renewals accordion), if specified
      • If not, use "Loan period" in Loans accordion
  • For Fixed loans:
    • Is it correct that "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" is specified as rolling time period as opposed to a FDDS? NO - Should be FDDS menu
    • Should it be possible for "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" to be left blank? YES
    • If so, what should happen?
      • Use "Alternate fixed due date schedule for renewals" (in Renewals accordion), if specified
      • If not, use "Fixed due date schedule" in Loans accordion
  • Options for MVP, if this saves time:
    • For Rolling loans: make "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" required, if "Allow renewal of items with an active, pending hold request" is checked
    • For fixed loans: Remove "Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request" and have the system fall back to:
      • Use "Alternate fixed due date schedule for renewals" (in Renewals accordion), if specified
      • If not, use "Fixed due date schedule" in Loans accordion


Volunteers for small groups (let Andrea know if you’re interested). These are the two groups:

  • Fine/fees in-app report
  • On-the-fly records

Search in Inventory Deck – Charlotte Whitt (PO for Inventory, one of the POs for metadata management) ways to make inventory work better for RA.

Link to the deck


Search functionality needs to be improved in inventory. Need to be able to search on almost all elements. Small working group MM SIG has been reviewing all the elements and defining what is needed to search on for basic search and for advanced search. They have no UX for the advanced search.

Orders app did some nice things with searches – they enhanced all the different filters they are using when searching. They use segmented control, and the filters are different depending on what segment you choose.

MM SIG search working group has ideas about basic search and advanced search. Inspired by what Orders is using, and they want to do something similar in Inventory.

Enhanced basic search in inventory, hoping to have segmented control for different record types: Instance, Holdings, Item. When you mouse over these you switch between them.

Example: Click Item, then do a barcode search. Default would be that the filters are collapsed. The most commonly used would be unfolded. Long-term plan you would be able to customize for your needs (i.e., unfold the ones you use most). We need to choose what will be unfolded as default and which ones would be collapsed.

In Instance, possible search forms may include: Keyword (any field); Contributor; Title (all); Resource title; Alternative title; Preceding title; Succeeding title; Series; Identifier (all); ISBN; ISSN; Instance HRID; Instance UUID; Publisher; Title, publisher, edition; Subject; Classification; Instance notes; PO line number.

Possible filters may be Language, Resource type, Format, Mode of issuance, Nature of content, Classification type, Contributor type, Publication date (year), previously held, staff suppress, suppress from discovery, date created, date updated, Instance status, statistical code, Metadata source.

Filter list would not be just a plain alpha list because some less used items would show up. What order should the filters be arranged? Needs feedback.

Resource type versus Format

Select your category and have a list of terms presented. For MVP it will be a bit rough, but we hope to get to a hierarchical view.

Holdings record searches may include: Keyword (any field); Accession number; call number (all); call number prefix?; call number suffix?; shelving order; shelving title; copy number; holdings statement (all); Holdings statement (only)?; Holdings statement indexes?; Holdings statement supplements?; Enumeration and chronology; Holdings notes; Holdings identifier (all); Former holdings ID; Holdings HRID; Holdings UUID; PO line number; Query search (using Boolean operators). The actual breakdown is being determined by some small groups. Needs feedback on this.

Filters for Holdings may include: Location; etc. This is a work in progress

Item search forms may include: Keyword (any field); Barcode; Enumeration, chronology; Enumeration; Chronology; Volume; Copy Number; Description of Pieces; Item Notes; Check in Notes; Form Identifier (All); Former item ID; Item HRID; Item UUID; PO Line number

Filter list for Item may include: Location; etc. This is a work in progress

Future update UXPROD 1015 Boolean operators.

Query search would be available from the search form drop down menu (hopefully for MVP)


Erin: 1. Can or should we assume that when toggling between instance, holding, and item searches will that stick? Yes this should stay.

  1. Item filter list. Mostly TBD. May need more than location, possibly by library or by campus.

It will give you options as you type. Would probably want to filter searches down to unique locations. Could add a filter for library or campus. Would want them to be controlled. If I select Perkins as my library then I want the drop-down to include item choices relevant to Perkins only.

David: How is the location filter acting?

Is this showing you every record? Or only those things with effective location or items with are new and noteworthy with a temporary location.

Right now it is the effective location. Right now searching on holding permanent location. Needs both so that you can get your items back in the original location. Where is it now, and where does it need to return to. Very detailed wiki page discussing calculating the “effective location.” This has been implemented in Inventory.

Andrea: Format type? Following the RDA standard, the RDA carrier. Not able to do hierarchical display.  We are working from Material type (locally created), no RDA carrier. For item, we would want material type, not format.

Material type—will the filter on this be generated from the reference table? Yes, Your search filter will adapt from what we have individually put in settings.

Begin able to search on different objects = different types of search results. We hope Inventory will work similarly.

When we search on item, it would be helpful to define what the search result in the multi-column list, what elements would it present – barcode, status, material type, what other data?

Alternative could be, and that could be MVP, when we search on barcode we don’t have the segmented control but we have barcode if you drill down in the instance record to the barcode information. A little hurtful; could you live with this for a shorter period?

Meeting planned for small group for 9-24-2019 to discuss.

 Cate Boerema:  Unrelated question blocking development

Request management: hold request policies in the loan policies

Loan period = number (5) and then interval (days)

What you do to a loan when there are holds?

HOLDS: Alternate loan period at checkout for items with an active, pending hold request

Confusion – allow renewal of items with active pending hold request?

You have the option to just not allow renewals if there is a hold. Don’t populate if you are not going to allow renewals.

All the rules remain the same. No special rules. If you allow renewals on items with holds, then renewal period is whatever your regular renewal period is. System should use renewal period you’ve specified if it’s there or if it’s not there then system will use the regular renewal period.

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