2019-3-7 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2019-3-7 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion tems


5minUser and request expirationCate Boerema (Deactivated)Both user and request records now can expire. User records expire when expiration date is today or in the past. Request records expire when request expiration date is in the past. Determine which expiration formula is preferred?
15minNew "On order" status impact on request whitelistCate Boerema (Deactivated)- A new item (availability) status has been added called "On order"
Update the request whitelist to account for this status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jaID-HGft3q4YzJq6Ycy2ejWByAIvou3Zyyw4ko87YI/edit#gid=0
35minRemote storage requestsCate Boerema (Deactivated)- Update SIG on the planned design for ASR requests and collect feedback/answer questions. See https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-1516 for write-up
- Discuss Remote storage requests and what might be needed to support them.
-- Could the ASR request or Page request be leveraged for this purpose?
-- See https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-498 for Tania's feature writeup

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
RequestsUser and request expiration
  • The SIG didn't feel really strongly about how User expiration and Request expiration worked
    • On the one hand, people liked the idea of consistency
    • On the other hand, some people liked the idea of users expiring early (i.e. at the beginning of the day) while requests should expire at the end of the day
  • Given that, we decided to keep things as-is:
    • User records expire when the user expiration date is today or in the past
    • Requests records change to Closed - Unfilled when the request expiration date is in the past
  • NOTE: Hold shelf expiration dates work differently because they are date/times. There is no ambiguity here (and, thus, no need to discuss further at this time)

RequestsNew "On order" status impact on request whitelist
RequestsRemote storage requests
  • People thought the ASR request proposal sounded fine
  • People thought that Page requests could be used for remote storage requests and, possibly, ASR requests (depending on the level of integration possible with remote storage system)
  • Andrea will organize a meeting to discuss further with remote storage SMEs from our various institutions.


RA SIG 3-7-19

Cate led a discussion of several issues concerning details of expiration times for requests and users; allowable request types on newly ordered items; ASR requests; and standardizing location terminology.


Expiration time of day for Users, Requests, and items on hold

We agreed that the following time settings would apply to expiration dates:

  • Requests: if unfilled, the request would expire at 11:59pm on the date of expiration (= end of day)
  • Hold Shelf: if not picked up, the on-hold would expire at 11:59pm on the last day of hold (= end of day)
  • User record: the expiration would become effective at 12:00am on the date of expiration (= start of day)


White List matrix of allowable actions for items on order, in process and [newly] available (see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jaID-HGft3q4YzJq6Ycy2ejWByAIvou3Zyyw4ko87YI/edit#gid=0):

  • On order: can place hold request, but not recall or page request (DB noted that placing a hold should not require a barcode)
  • In process: can place hold request, but not recall or page request
  • Recently returned: cannot place hold or recall request, but can place a page request


ASR requests (automated storage retrieval):

  • After some discussion, we agreed that it would be best to create a new request type for ASR items. The status sequence, controlled by FOLIO, would be “Available in ASR,” “Retrieving from ASR,” “In transit” or “Awaiting pickup.” When the item is returned, it would go to “In transit” or “Recently returned,” then “Available in ASR.” The only type of request that could be placed would be an ASR request.
  • There needs to be a discussion with ASR point people about integration of FOLIO with their ASR systems. Andrea agreed to call a meeting with stakeholders. SMEs should send Andrea an email to let her know who in each institution should be part of this discussion.


Location terminology:

In Inventory, the term used is “Effective location.” In Loans, the term used is “Location.” Did we have a preference? The group did not express a strong preference; the deciding factor might be labeling space. Cate will investigate.