2019-4-15 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2019-4-15 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion tems


30minItem records
Cate Boerema (Deactivated) and Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)Items for electronic resources- Some institutions will be creating item records in inventory for their electronic/online resources.
- Institutions plan to create location(s) to assign to these (eg. "online" or "electronic")
- Since locations require service points, they will probably create a dummy SP too
- Do these need to be filtered out at checkout and request creation? Anywhere else? Anything we need to consider here.
- Would be good to invite Ann-Marie Breaux to this meeting so let's plan this agenda item in advance so we can check with her
- Definitely want Emma on this call, as well
- Reference: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/FOLIO-1891
Emma BoettcherRenewal failure overridesAnswer the question: when an item is not renewable, is it also useful to check whether any due date schedule associated with its loan policy is valid?

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • We will want to be able to prevent checkout and requesting of electronic items
  • Can create an "electronic resources" loan policy which is loanable = N and associate it with the electronic location(s) though circ rules
  • Can create an "electronic resources" request policy which disallows all requests and associate it with the electronic location(s) through circ rules
  • In discovery, you will probably not want the item status "Available" to display, as the resource may not be available.  Might need another item status for these resources to make it simpler for discovery to display the correct status.  It would be technically possible  to do this without a dedicated status, but less efficient to code discovery to display something special when Item status = Available AND Item location = Electronic.  Could be an argument for getting started on custom statuses.  NEED TO DISCUSS FURTHER WHEN WE HAVE REPRESENTATIVES OF INSTITUTIONS THAT PLAN TO USE ITEMS FOR E-RESOURCES.

Request Statistics (for Performance Testing)


Average Number Open Requests

Average Request Queue Length

How Many Newly Expired and Cancelled Requests per Day

How Many Newly Expired and Cancelled Requests per Hour (assuming we keep the short-term expiry periods for reserve items, equipment etc)

University Library Marburgup to 1033 (2018-03-13)about 130 requestsup to 1302 (2018-04-12)per hour: about 29
Cornell University244 requests placed per day (1 year average 4/10/2018 - 4/10/2019); current number of OPEN requests = 1,4331.04 (current max=13)Average per day: 13 cancelled; 29 expired; 202 chargedn/a
DukeCurrently = 3216
Average: 3.5 expired


  • Deb Lamb announced a new Director of Access Services at Cornell starting July 1st: David Hornell. David will be joining the RA-SIG. Deb has been filling in the interim. Her last day on the SIG is May 22nd.
  • Cate and Ann-Marie Breaux. Items for electronic resources. Items require location and service point. Will probably create a dummy service point for electronic resources (FOLIO-1891). How do we assure these virtual resources do not enter into loans and requests workflows? Create loan policy "loanable equals no". Create request policy "requestable equals no". Need to supress item states which would not apply to electronic resources.
  • Emma. Renewals (when they fail). If there are two reasons for a renewal failing (e.g. Loan policy "non-renewable"; date of renewal falls outside due date schedule), is it important to show reason 1 and 2? Folks agree all reasons for failing should display (so those issues can be addressed by operator).