2019-6-3 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2019-6-3 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Andrea Loigman

Jana Freytag


Mark Canney

Kai Sprenger

David Bottorff

Darcy Branchini

Kimie Kester

Katharina Haas

Joanne Leary

Mark Canney

Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

lisa perchermeier


Magda Zacharska

Rameka Barnes

Cheryl Malmborg

Discussion Items

  • No meeting June 17.  Should we meet on June 20?
  • Plan for 
30minStaff slipsDarcy BranchiniTokens for staff slips"Finalize" the list of tokens available for staff slips.
10minStaff slipsDarcy BranchiniCustom staff slips I also have a few questions about staff slips: Custom slips were highly ranked as needed for “go-live”. Can we characterize all staff slips as either a type of hold, transit or call slip? Or are there others that require custom triggers? Can I get a few use cases? Also, are individual call slips required if a pick list report will be developed?
5minReportsCate Boerema (Deactivated)Expired hold reportQuick question as we are wrapping up the "Expired holds report CSV". Is this a good name for the report? The report contains requests that expired or were cancelled while on the hold shelf. Of course, these may not all be requests of type "hold" (could include recalls and pages, as well). Just want to double check, as changing the name would be a "breaking" backend change.

NOTE: We also now have a report from Users called "Overdue loans CSV". It would be nice if we could keep the report names somewhat parallel.

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019

RequestsQ2 2019

Expired holds report should be renamed something like:

  • Expired hold shelf report CSV
  • Hold shelf clearance report CSV

Happened to discuss the Weekly overdue report CSV in the context of this discussion and some of the folks on the call mentioned that, for their institutions, the total number of overdue loans would be so high that this feature would never work without some filtering.  Cate didn't think the "thin thread" included filtering but wasn't sure as it was Emma Boettchers feature.  Group noted that there is another feature for a more robust "in-FOLIO" version of this report:  UXPROD-940 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Need patron and staff notes fields on request

  • Simple text field for patron note is bare minimum - would not be editable after request is created
  • Ideally, though, we'd have both patron and staff notes
  • Staff notes, at least, should be repeatable with date/time stamp and folio operator
  • Should be possible to edit and delete old notes, as well
  • Cate will reach out to Khalilah for info on the Notes feature she is working on so the RA SIG can review and discuss if they meet the needs


Tokens needed for staff slips (Darcy):

  • some/most of the tokens used for patron notices should be available for staff slips (which include Hold; in Transit; "Call Slip"). For Transit slips, the tokens should include Date and Location of where item was discharged. Items that are going in transit for a purpose (patron request, reserve, cataloging, other processing) should have a Needed-for-<purpose> included on the slip. A "request note" field (from the original request?) can be included on the slip.
  • Paging slips: Q: if there exist multiple items for a given location, do we want items to be consolidated on one slip per shelving location, or be printable on separate slips for each item? A: BOTH options. Q: do we need another field in the list of tokens? Yes, for closed stack info.

Cate: Expired Holds report will be a csv export by service point. What would be a good name? Suggestions: Expired Hold Shelf report, or Hold Shelf Clearance report. Cate will choose one, there was no strong preference.

Overdue Loans csv report: how should this be limited? Would need to be able to limit by library, or patron data (or both)

Request Note fields - what kind do we need? Free Text, Patron Input, Staff Input. We want staff notes to be editable; can editing be add-on type only, or editing original text? Probably add-on. Automatically include OPID and date/time. Larger question of how note field should behave. Khallilah is doing a note field for e-holdings, we should see how this is done and emulate for consistency. Cate will reach out to her.

Ranking go-live issues (Andrea): Gap Analysis at Product Council last week showed there appeared to be an inconsistency in understanding of what the issues meant. PLEASE REVIEW the RA-related rankings and make adjustments as needed.