Welcome to the FOLIO Wiki

This site holds documentation about the FOLIO project in general and the work of the Special Interest Groups.

For more information on the Open Library Environment and the Open Library Foundation and their relationship to FOLIO, see FOLIO Organizational Relationships.

FOLIO Communication Spaces

There are several avenues for keeping up with FOLIO development.  Join the community at https://www.folio.org/ and sign up for the “Community Updates” for a monthly newsletter with updates and events announcements.  You can browse this wiki without signing up but to participate via the wiki you must first sign up for https://folio-org.atlassian.net/jira, then use the same login information here.  Details for these and other options may be found on the FOLIO Communication Spaces page.

FOLIO Community Council

The FOLIO Community Council, initially formed in March 2021, has the following charter:

To foster a healthy, productive community ecosystem, policy, and collaboration for the FOLIO project.

It plays 2 key roles. Firstly to ensure the community is strong and healthy, which can include recruiting, marketing and many external facing activities. Secondly, this council is responsible for the smooth operation of community activities, including coordinating with other councils, and ensuring the community is collaborative and inclusive. It is the highest level organizational body within FOLIO project.

The Community Council is the first point of contact for FOLIO Member Organizations.

FOLIO Product Council

The FOLIO Product Council, also called the SIG of SIGS, will act on behalf of the FOLIO Community to express and champion priorities in the development of the FOLIO Library Service Platform. Any questions, suggestions, concerns or ideas about the development of the FOLIO LSP can be raised through the Product Council (aka PC).

FOLIO Technical Council

The FOLIO Technical Council provides technical guidance to the FOLIO project. The TC guides the project’s architectural vision, technical policies, standards, and best practices. 

FOLIO's Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives

The initial document, finalized in December 2020 

These are intended to serve several purposes:

  1. Help set context and a direction for the project so that more detailed tactical planning can be done in alignment with strategic goals
  2. Provide a structure for the project’s community to periodically reassert its strategic goals and intentions 
  3. Allow the community to have a single, shared understanding of where we want FOLIO to go in the future

These will be reviewed and updated regularly by the community. 

FOLIO's Governance Model

The FOLIO Governance Model was developed over the course of 18 months (July 2019 through December 2020) and was rolled out in 2021. The model allows organizations to be recognized as members whether they commit to paying dues or donating the time of people to do the work needed to create and sustain FOLIO. It allows all participants in the community to select council members. Please see the wiki page for more details.

Recently updated wiki pages

FOLIO Forum webinars

Demo Sites

Login: diku_admin / admin

FOLIO Reporting Reference Environment

Upcoming Release – Ramsons (R2 2024)

UX Prototype


Special Interest Groups

A Special Interest Group (SIG) consists of practitioners from libraries and services providers that are interested in contributing to a specific functional area of the FOLIO platform.

SIGs are open to anyone. Look for these places to participate:

  • The SIG's Slack channel.  More information on joining Slack, see the FOLIO Communications Spaces document.
  • Most SIGs hold a periodic meeting on Zoom. Look for the "Meetings" heading in the SIG's home page right sidebar.
  • Contact the SIG's convener(s).  Look for the "SIG Convener" heading in the SIG's home page right sidebar.

SIGs are listed in the "SIG" category below. Other categories are "Regional SIGs" and other groups.

  • Space Category
A category is used to group together a list of spaces.You can display a category's spaces by selecting a category from below:
View Spaces with Category:
Collaborating with the ARL Joint Task Force on Services to Patrons with Print Disabilities, the Accessibility SIG works
Space:Acquisitions SIG
Space:App Interaction SIG
Space:Consortia SIG
The Consortia SIG works on use cases and review feature implementations for inter-institutional relationships that FOLIO
Space:Data Migration
Space:Discovery SIG
The Discovery SIG is a FOLIO interest group that discusses how FOLIO interacts with front-end discovery systems (EBSCO,
Space:Forum Facilitators
The Forum facilitators plan and carry out the bi-weekly forums/webinars on FOLIO and related projects/efforts.
Space:Implementers SIG
Space:Internationalization SIG
Review user interface design, data storage, and OKAPI platform design for issues related to internationalization of the
Space:Linked Data
Space:Metadata Management
The Metadata Management SIG works with developers to define essential bibliographic management functions: creating, edit
Space:Open Access SIG
Space:Privacy SIG
The Privacy SIG reviews user interface design, data storage, Okapi platform design, and inter-module communication for c
Space:Public Library SIG
Space:Reporting SIG
The Reporting SIG group will examine the needs of reporting in each functional area and the reporting needs of instituti
Space:Resource Access
The Resource Access SIG works with developers to define essential circulation functions: checking out and discharging li
Space:Resource Management
The Resource Management SIG works with developers to define essential functions for acquiring and managing all types of
Space:Support SIG
Space:System Operations and Management SIG
Space:User Management
The User Management SIG, formerly LSP Authentication/Authorizations SIG, works with developers to guide the integration
Space:Workflow SIG

Other Related Groups

Creating a SIG

FOLIO Special Interest Groups can be suggested by anyone.  See the Special Interest Groups page for more information.