2019-1-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2019-1-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion tems

  • Notetaker - David Bottorff
  • Think about for Thursday - Where and how do we need call numbers in FOLIO?

50minReports (con't)Emma BoettcherIn-app reports (general) & overdue loans report (specifically). With new and improved wireframes.Solicit feedback on in-app report mechanism, using the example of overdue loans.

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to Supporting Materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
LoansEmma BoettcherQ1 2019Include summary of query and count of objects retrieved before report is run; allow multiple values (ORing) for a field at runtime
  • Need preview if report will accidentally retrieve 100,000s of objects
  • Being able to select several possible values is helpful for something like loan policy

  • For further consideration: permissions, GDPR


Homework where do we need to see call numbers and how do we need them to behave? Display? Sortability? Think about this holistically


Ability to select a report and run it from search and filter

Results with export to crv

Ability to schedule and email etc is out of scope for this discussion, would be potentially outside of folio

What data can be pulled in these reports?


What about shared vs individual reports?

What level of granularity?

Can you set up a report only for specific service desks, etc?

Cheryl-feedback of count before running full report

Configure report would be in settings app

Ability to see and run reports right now would be anyone with permissions for app, but should eventually would need to be limitable by service desk


How do I make sure I have access to components I want?

Run report should include what the preselects values are

Can you copy and save a modified version of a report? Yes clone and change

Ability to choose multiple values with Boolean logic of and or not

running reports vs configuring reports permissions

Ability to select multiple values from a pulldown such as selecting multiple loan policies, etc. 

a screen for admins showing reports running and ability to kill one of the reports as needed or a list of all processes?

Ability to filter list of reports? By service desk, etc. 


Are there any gdpr implications?

Permission for personally identifiable information about patrons in reports

Profiling is also bad, but that should be about anonymizing data

May be local policy issue and reduce people who can modify reports

Identify the issue and flag for privacy SIG

Profiling of staff, German unions, how much work is a staff member accomplishing in a given hour, cannot measure output

Except others will need to be able to analyze those issues


Which components go in the configuration screen? What can we put into the report and what we can’t. Fields already in a given screen, like loans.

Reports that look at data from multiple areas would be external?

Example of, for instance, loans for a given call number

Show me overdue books to patrons with no active email address

Not a chron job, could this be external? We have to had a way of doing it

What is the difference between this and an external tool

Don’t want to reinvent the rule of the external tool


Next week will talk about what we need from call numbers and where we need them

Emma will talk about item state transitions