2019-3-18 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2019-3-18 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion tems


30minLoans permissionsEmma Boettcher
Determine behavior for when user cannot view open and/or closed loans
30minCall number display inconsistenciesEmma BoettcherInconsistencies between Loans and Requests, where call number is concatenated with enumeration data in Loans but split out from enumeration and copy in Requests.Determine: Is this intentional? If not, what is preferred? Should shelving location also be part of call number, or listed separately as it currently is?

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
LoansEmma Boettcher


  • A user who does not have permissions to view open and/or closed loans may still have the ability to view due date, loan date, and loan policy where they appear on things like fines/fees, item records, and Check Out.
  • In Users, the Loans accordion could still display, with the count of open and closed loans
  • Links to loan history and loan details should either not be there or be blocked pending permission escalation

General principle: if the user doesn't have permission to see open or closed loans, don't show anything about the borrower (or only show what would be available after the loan was anonymized) Non-borrower information about the loan (due date, loan date, counts of uses) is fine.

Pending GDPR considerations


Call number

  • Agreed that effective location should be a separate field, regardless of whether the rest of the call number is concatenated in one field or not
  • When exporting call numbers, separate fields and export normalized LC call number for sorting
  • While in FOLIO, no decision about whether to sort on fields and which ones (and therefore, which fields need to be separated in the interface)

Need more clarification on what the fields for call number are defined as


  1. Please send the names and contact information of your off site storage representative to Andrea by Wednesday (3/20/19). 
  2. Loans Permissions:  Emma walked us through several questions about who should be able to see patron information on open and closed loan screens.  We all agreed that anything about the use of an item that doesn’t identify the patron is fine on the other apps.  It is important to keep use data such as number of times checked out and dates to use for a variety of decisions.  We are not sure about GDPR, so inquiries should be made at ascertain their needs.
  3. Call Number Display:  Call numbers currently display differently in different apps.  What do we really want?  We are not sure of the definitions of enumeration and volumes in this situation.  That would help us understand what we need.  We do want to be able to sort by location, prefix, body and suffix.  Service points are not a part of this sort.  What do we want for the display and what do we want for the exported version.  Todd Olson at Chicago has done a lot of work on this and David shared the way this looks and sorts. This conversation will continue.