2019-4-8 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion tems

  • Notetaker -

10minRequests in loan action table
Display of open requestsLoan actions table on Loan details is currently showing a record/row for every request that is created while the loan is open. Is this the desired behavior or should the table only show a row for a request that changes the due date of the loan?

Q2 2019 Requests Discussions PPT (with this topic and more): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hNYBxUdy3pGKKpo5BkY7bJFfBEVdEG1idCecY1xVwko/edit?usp=sharing
20minClearing hold shelf
Cate Boerema (Deactivated)Cancelled and expired requests

- Current design doesn't allow user or system to identify the requests that have expired or been cancelled while on the hold shelf (for hold shelf expiration report)
- Discuss options for how to handle this

Q2 2019 Requests Discussions PPT (with this topic and more): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hNYBxUdy3pGKKpo5BkY7bJFfBEVdEG1idCecY1xVwko/edit?usp=sharing

30minRequest expirationCate Boerema (Deactivated)Short term hold shelf expiry periods- Discuss short term hold shelf expiry periods - are they really needed? Use cases?
- Discuss current tech approach to request expiration
- Gather statistics needed for performance testing

Q2 2019 Requests Discussions PPT (with this topic and more): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hNYBxUdy3pGKKpo5BkY7bJFfBEVdEG1idCecY1xVwko/edit?usp=sharing

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision

Display of open requests:

SIG wants to see all requests on loan details regardless of whether they change due date or not.  So, but is filed to fix the duplicate rows for recalls:  UIU-966 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Clearing hold shelf

  • SIG proposes:
    • When an item that is awaiting pickup expires (hold shelf expiration date) or is cancelled, the item status should change to "Pickup expired" 
    • This would give staff an easy way to filter requests to those that need to be cleared from the hold shelf
  • Story for the new status:  UIREQ-254 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Hold shelf expiration report UXPROD feature has been updated:  UXPROD-925 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Short term hold shelf expiry periods

Discuss short term hold shelf expiry periods - are they really needed? Use cases?

  • SIG does want minutes and hours options for hold shelf expiry, as they will be useful for equipment and course reserves.  Basically, anything that is only loaned for a short period, should not sit on the hold shelf for a long one.
  • That said, if we need to deprioritize the minutes and hours options and focus on the longer term period first, that would be okay
  • Filed this issue:  UIREQ-255 - Getting issue details... STATUS  which makes sense to address with the OKAPI scheduler which is being researched in  FOLIO-1953 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Request Statistics (for Performance Testing)


Average Number Open Requests

Average Request Queue Length (number of open requests on a given item)

How Many Newly Expired and Cancelled Requests per Day

How Many Newly Expired and Cancelled Requests per Hour (assuming we keep the short-term expiry periods for reserve items, equipment etc)

University Library Marburgup to 1033 (2018-03-13)
up to 1302 (2018-04-12)per hour: about 29
Cornell University244 requests placed per day (1 year average 4/10/2018 - 4/10/2019); current number of OPEN requests = 1,4331.04 (current max=13)Average per day: 13 cancelled; 29 expired; 202 chargedn/a

Current number of open requests = 1,604

 University Library Mainz820 current number of OPEN Requests (2019-04-09) up to 1200 (average per day)

n/a but: 

max. 3 on freehand area books / closed stack

max. 5 on textbook collection 

 46 (26 % of all requests) n/a
University of Chicago

current number of open requests = 1037

177 created daily

average 1+

max 8

max 154 on a single day

average 44 per day

GBV (data from a representative library)

current number of open holds = 2650 + 916 (ready for pick-up)

current number of open page requests = 2068

page requests: 1

hold requests: average 3 (max average 10)

cancelled: 2153 per year (hold)

expired: 70833 per year (hold/page)



  • requests on loan details screen - do we want to display all requests or only those that impact due date?

    • yes we want all of the requests to show up as an action

    • also confirming that count of requests on item record takes you to list of all requests on item

  • clearing the hold shelf - cancelled and expired requests

    • original idea for expired was for request status and item status awaiting pickup by filtering

    • how do you come up with the complicated query logic for finding expired holds that need to be grabbed? logic is complicated by outstanding open requests

    • a new item status of "pickup expired" that is updated when request is expired or cancelled would simplify the discovery of these items

    • item status of "pickup expired" and necessary request info (patron name, barcode)

    • obviously need to limit by service point

    • report needs requestor, item barcode, title, item call number

    • assumption is that item state, etc. should be configurable at discovery layer level for display

  • Hold shelf expiry period can be specified in minutes and hours, is this needed? 

    • the challenge is that the batch process or other query, how often does it need to happen?

  • Request Expiration Job

    • current implementation is that the system checks every hour, not a batch job (right now)

    • probably do need minutes/hours for reserves, equipment, etc.

    • need to do performance testing - estimates on average numbers posted as table, please contribute your institutions estimates

    • Chicago - 20-25% of requests expire or are cancelled

How many newly expired requests might there be per day