Getting started

Getting started

The FOLIO Community acts under its code of conduct and expects their members to follow it, please be aware of it.

You can always come to your conveners Jana Freytag (freytag@gbv.de or Slack) and Cornelia Awenius (c.awenius@ub.uni-mainz.de or Slack) for any questions on the following info.


The Resource Access SIG meets via Zoom on Mondays and Thursdays at 10am CST / 11am EST / 5pm CET. 

For more details, see the Resource Access SIG Meeting Tasks and Notes.

Zoomlink:  https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/JAPAN/FOLIO+Meetings+with+Zoom )

As a SME (subject matter expert) you are expected to be present at the SIG meetings and contribute to the discussions. You can do that by speaking up yourself or send messages via the Zoom Chat. 


It is very recommended to follow the communication in the following channels: 

Mailing lists

Info you get: All relevant info on the Meeting date changes, announcements and discussions

To be added to our SIG listserv please go to https://ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org/  and ask to be added to the list ‘folio-ra’ (choose “FOLIO Resource Access SIG List” for subscribing to “folio-ra”).

Wiki and Jira

Info you get: heavy duty Info relating to all FOLIO groups: all meeting notes, where to start, documents, documentation, ranking features, ...

The wiki and issues sites (Confluence and Jira) share the same user database.  So if you sign up at https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Signup!default.jspa you can use the same username/password on https://folio-org.atlassian.net.  

Pretty much everything that we’ve done so far is on the wiki at: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/display/RA/Resource+Access+SIG  It’s worth skimming through it to get an idea where we are.  Please feel free to poke around and just let us know if anything needs clarification.


Info you get: here is where you reach all community members and the channels on various topics 

FOLIO uses a Slack team called "folio-project" for real-time chat communication.  Please request an account in the FOLIO team using the automated web form.  (There is no review process for new account requests; the invitation is automatically sent to your email address.) Slack offers a getting started with Slack guide. Once you are on the FOLIO Slack team, please join the 

  • #resource-access channel (here you can ask all your circulation related Questions and ask your fellow SMEs for help)

Other Channels you should consider exploring:

  • #folio-general (Community-wide announcements and work-based matters) 
  • #random (Non-work banter and water cooler conversation)
  • #ra-reserves (information about the Courses app)
  • #remote-storage (discussions about remote storage support - private channel, ask a PO if you are interested in being added)
  • #consortia (information about the Consortia SIG)
  • #user-management (information about the Users app and the User Management SIG)

More Info on SIG Work

You can always start here: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/display/PC/Special+Interest+Groups. The page contains a list of active SIGs and the FOLIO Special Interest Groups (SIG) Charge where you find all Info on SIGs, SMEs, Conveners, POs, Sub-SIGs and the SIG processes.

This is what it says on SMEs:

  •  SIG members are subject matter experts who make up the dedicated membership of the group, with a registered FOLIO confluence profile, and also agree to abide by the FOLIO Code of Conduct. While attendance at meetings is a component of SIG membership, attendance in and of itself does not constitute membership. SIG meetings, for the most part, remain open to anyone regardless of membership.
  • Member responsibilities include:
  • Regular attendance and participation  in SIG meetings, activities and discussions. 
  • Completing necessary homework, supplying use cases, or performing other preparation outside of meetings as needed.
  • Participating in user acceptance, bugfest testing, regression testing, documentation writing, and other activities as needed.
  • Serving as an institutional representative SME by providing input on  the ranking of features, supplying feedback on development, and reporting bugs (if already implemented)
  • Leading or serving on ad hoc subgroups or taking on time-limited roles, as needs arise

Video guides:

Fundamentals of the FOLIO Community: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imOEbCbE5EU&t=7s 

FOLIO Special Interest Groups: https://youtu.be/72RhdlEWH4w 

FOLIO Communication Tools: https://youtu.be/7vfA3qCMFGw 

FOLIO Development Lifecycle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R8kohmP9D8