2019-7-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2019-7-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

5 minHousekeepingAndrea Loigman
  • Notetaker -  Rameka Barnes
  • Follow-up on workflow engine sub-group
15minNoticesDarcy BranchiniPatron notice questions -- multiple items single notice/increments for sendingContinue (first discussion on 7/11) -- two things are tightly coupled because how frequently notices are sent affects how multiple items are bundled into a single notice, and the requirements for how items should be bundled into a single notice affects how frequently notices should be sent... so I'm trying to better understand the expectations and interdependencies.
10minItemsEmma BoettcherWithdrawn itemsDecide behavior at check in/check out and marking items withdrawn
20minItemsEmma BoettcherDeclared lost itemsDecide behavior for declared lost items: ability to renew, change due date, claim returned.
Decide: does an item that's been declared lost & been paid for have a different status than one that's been long missing? Are both those things separate from withdrawn?

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Item states
Withdrawn items can be checked in and checked out, but display a warningWould be able to make use of the workflow engine here (notify staff that a withdrawn item has been checked out, send to cataloging review when checked back in)
