2019-8-5 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2019-8-5 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

5 minHousekeepingAndrea Loigman
  • Notetaker -  Joanne Leary
  • Reminder to comment on: 

    UXPROD-1922 Item. Easy copy of barcode and make barcode a link in item list

    UXPROD-1923 Settings > Inventory > Item: Implement material type category

    UXPROD-1924 Item. Copy should not be a repeatable element

    UXPROD-1889 Instance: Delete warning when deleting format or contributor type

    UXPROD-1890 Instance: Additional controlled vocabularies for Instance menus

    UXPROD-1891 Instance: Lookup by code (contributor type, resource type and format)

    UXPROD-1892 Instance: Add related instances data element

    UXPROD-1893 Instance: Implement preceding and succeeding titles

    UXPROD-1894 Settings > Inventory > Instance: Implement format category

25minUsersDummy / Generic users

UM has been discussing the need for dummy/generic users.  Erin and Jana will cover what's been decided and get our our input.

See UM meeting notes at 2019-07-31 Meeting notes

20minItemsStatuses related to lost itemsDecide whether to distinguish aged to lost items from patron-reported lost items, and whether to distinguish paid-for lost items from long missing

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Item statesEmma Boettcher
Emma will send out table to solicit information on item states relating to lost and missing items (any item where its physical whereabouts are unknown): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vauwFufDLFBtzQ3TE0QZG6wblAeEaM9-fhrTSEHsqM8/edit?usp=sharing
Likely that grossly overdue/aged to lost can be combined with patron reporting item lost


Erin and Jana discussed the definition of "dummy users":

  • To be called "generic records"
  • Used for internal processing purposes (ex: checking out books to carrels, internal routing of materials, book and copy service), or for external lending or borrowing (consortial/interlibrary loan operations)
  • Need a way to include contact information (name/email/address) in a note field
  • Should be able to assign tags and send notices to such records
  • Records will be accessible by library staff only

It appears that we will not need any special features for the creation of generic records that are not already present in standard patron records. However, other functionality is needed in general for patron records:

  • Deceased flag that prevents use of the record for borrowing or for receiving notices
  • Custom fields
  • Tags
  • Notes
  • Ability to disable/suspend notices (toggle setting)
  • Overwrite protection for entire record or just for certain fields
  • Ability to assign more than one patron block

Forms of "Lost" and "Missing" (Emma):

To clarify which are distinct-use states, we reviewed the list of 5 Lost and Missing statuses from Emma. We agreed that the two Lost statuses (aged to Lost, and patron reports book lost) could be combined into one. The rest of the status variations were not as clear-cut; we are asked to enter our preferences on a wiki page: lost/missing spreadsheet

There will be custom states down the road.

Finally, we are reminded to comment on the JIRA issues that Cate sent out this morning (see list above).