2019-9-5 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2019-9-5 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

5 minHousekeepingAndrea Loigman
20minCall numbersCate Boerema (Deactivated)RA views of call number componentsDetermine requirements for call number: block including prefix, enum, etc only or do we also need separate fields for each. Long term vs. MVP
10minPerformance requirementsSchwill, CarstenCheck-in performance requirementsDetermination of performance requirements related to CIRC-430  and UICHKIN-112 
25minClaim returnedIn-app report for claimed returnDetermine requirements for claim returned in-app report: fields, location.

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Misc (Call Number)Q4

Reviewed elements of the call number notes here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FMl-_oNR6k-wVDQrZeMT_V9-ZDDaZBzdiipx0OQii9E/edit#

  • General guidelines we can use when considering what is needed on the many various RA pages and functions (see above in this doc for list):
    • FOLIO list pages (e.g. Loans and Fee/Fines)
      • A consistent “call number block” which concatenates the various fields would be ideal on FOLIO list and record pages because:
        • Consistency is good
        • Saves real estate
        • Many records will not have anything specified for various components so the real estate would really be wasted
        • Components of this block are:
          • Call number prefix - using existing logic
          • Call number - using existing logic
          • Call number suffix - using existing logic
          • Copy number - using existing logic
          • Volume 
          • Enumeration
          • Chronology
        • The order display and separators, if applicable, still needs to be defined