2018-10-15 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion tems

5minLink from User record to Requests Approval: UI mock-up
30minClosed due date cases (con't)
Decisions on closed due date functionality
20minDemo of Tags (Users)
SMEs have an understanding of tags functionality

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Decision Reached


Link to Supporting Materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNameClearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue

Cate Boerema

Mockup and behavior for links from User record to Requests APPROVED
Mockups and resulting user story can be found here: UIU-677

Loan Policies

Sean Thomas

1) To support closed library due date mgt. - agreed that FOLIO should use service point open/closed times to find an appropriate due date, then set the due time for long-term loans at 23:59:59 to support business cases for overdues, fees/fines, etc.

2) Confirmed that fixed due date schedule (due date limit) for rolling loans should override closed due date mgt. functions to truncate loan period as applicable.

3) Requested an additional option for closed lib. due date mgt. = Move to the end of the current day

4) Confirmed that no option for prohibiting check out under certain closed due date mgt. conditions is needed

Re: 1) Ensures that the system can find appropriate open/closed hours for any service point, including those that are not regularly open at 23:59:59.

Re: 2) Ensures that long-term loans made near the end of a fixed schedule are returned prior to the schedule's end date.

Re: 3) Staff users have an option for short-term loans to allow an abbreviated check-out, while ensuring that the materials are returned before the service point closes.

Re: 4) No use-cases for this that follow actual practice for short-term loans.

Slide deck for use-cases

Ann-Marie Breaux


Link from User record to Requests (Cate)

  • Cate demoed link from both open requests & create request

Closed due date cases (Sean)

Due date calculation

  • End of day: 23:59:59
  • Related to calculating start time for overdues and fees/fines
  • Service point may have closed before 23:59:59; this may create a problem, re: calculating due date;
  • As expressed in the 6/7/18 meeting, the hope is that the printed slip for patron would not indicate time, but system would see due time as 23:59:59.

Closed service days

  • Due date just becomes the next open day after fourteen days at 23:59:59

Fixed due dates

  • 14 day loan with checkout 10 days before end of fixed due dates schedule
  • Fixed due date schedule (Fall 2018) runs through Dec 24, 2018
  • Service point closes at 9pm on Dec. 24, 2018
  • Normally moved to next open day; gets truncated here (to Fall 2018); it overrides next open day logic
  • Assumption: fixed due date schedule (due date limit) logic should override logic related to closed due date management
  • Assumption: assigned due date/time respect the final closing time of the Service Point on the end date set in the Fixed due date schedule (skipped; already covered)

2 hour loan with a checkout 1 hour before service point closes

  • Desired outcome-due before close on the same day?—No; should extend to the next day for some period of minutes/hours
  • Closed due date management = move to end of previous (?) open date—No; should be 'move to end of current day' (closing time of current service point)

2 hour loan with checkout 1 hour before service point closes

  • Desired outcome – due next day; correct.

Missed this one

2 hour loan with checkout 1 hour before service point closes

  • Desired outcome – prohibit checkout
  • Changed scenario: What if this was a 2 hour loan with checkout 10 minutes before service point closes?
  • Not needed: confirmed.

Demo of Tags (Ann-Marie)

  • Grew out of ACQ need to code record in various ways; used in order records;
  • Built as central app for broad use (inventories, ACQ, course reserves, etc)
  • At system level, allow or disallow tags; enabled by default (as of this week)
  • Users: number next to tag icon indicates that tag(s) is/are attached
  • When you add a tag, the tag is added to central tag list
  • There will be different levels of permissions
  • Ex of tag use: Student workers could be tagged as student workers; then at the end of the semester you could review permissions
  • Filtering (not yet functional); coming later: central tag management
  • At this point, we won’t be able to see who created the tag (again, later version); more to come
  • Filtering is essential for use; central tag management will be v. important
  • Import tags? (from campus registrar, for example); needs to be built
  • Tags are not intended to trigger any functionality

Next time / Thursday, October 18

In transit for pick-up (Cate, Tania)