2018-06-14 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-06-14 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items

  • Notetaker- Joanne Leary
  • ALA next week - should we still meet?
15 minService point assignment follow up 
15 minFee/Fine Details page and ask a quick waive fees/fines question 
25 minClaims returnedClaim returned flowchart (edited after meeting)


We discussed Service Point issues: How to choose a service point, whether to have a default service point tied to the user (operator), whether to have a service point assigned to a desk as default, should the user be able to change the service point?

  • Service points will be assigned to a user through the User app permissions set up; could be just one point or multiple points
  • Choosing a service point at the beginning of a session will be required. A default choice of “None” is there, and if selected will result in a message to choose a service point, or speak to supervisor
  • We need the ability to switch service points mid-session to take care of occasional situations that can only be resolved by operating at a different service desk (example, fixing in-transit conditions)
  • Service points will be assigned to the user only, not to the service point desk


Fine/Fee User Stories: Holly went over paying and waiving fine/fees

  • Waive permissions – locations at which a user can waive or pay fine/fees is assigned to that user (specific locations or all locations). Default none.
  • Waive reasons are configured by the institution in a table
  • Payment and refund methods (cash, credit, account transfer, etc.) are configured by the institution in a table
  • On the payment screen, we need to see: item due date, item return date, “effective” return date (backdated check-in). Display time component.
  • On the Fine/Fee history screen, to avoid certain confusion, use the term “Billing date” not “Charge date” to refer to the date of the bill


Claims Returned flowchart: Emma demonstrated her Claims Returned flowchart. We discussed the processing sequence and decision points in the CR cycle. Overall, the sequence is to mark the item as CR; search; resolve and notify patron of the outcome

  • Factors include whether the operator has the permissions to forgive fines, and what the policy of the library is about charging fines or replacement charges in CR situations. Was the book found by library staff when traced? Was the book subsequently found and returned by the patron? Did the book just appear in the book return / get returned anonymously? Do “self-shelves” come into play? What happens if the book is not found at the end of the search cycle? Is the book removed from the patron account (and if so, when)? Is the item record annotated in some way?
  • Word edits are needed on the decision point nodes to clarify the branches
  • Include a step to “Route to supervisor”
  • Fine/fee process is separate, but the default behavior for a discharged CR item is to apply the accrued fine and then take action on the disposition of fine (forgive fine; route to supervisor; or let the fine stand – all as per institution policy). There should be some kind of report or alert that is generated, triggered when a CR book is discharged. There should be a institutional policy setting on whether to suspend fine accrual when a CR claim is made.