2018-03-08 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-03-08 Resource Access Meeting Notes




  • Review loan rules and the the work of the fines and fees sub-group

Discussion items

5 minHousekeeping
  • Note-taker Anya
  • Ongoing meeting schedule
20 min Loan rules pt.1


15 minLoan rules pt. 2Questions / problems re: Oliver's loan rules demonstrator
2 minCheck-out timeoutCate Boerema (Deactivated)
2 minPC announcementSharon Wiles-Young
15 minFines and FeesReview the work of the Fines and Fees sub-group - Slide deck for review before Monday's meeting


New member Jana

PPT - Priority and Goals- 5 goals proposed

showing a line priority rule descriptions

Tools are needed to be the step between legacy system to FOLIO

Schwill, Carsten will post the PPT to the FOLIO RA Google doc

Questions and understanding about Oliver's rules 

please share your versions and where you get it working 

looking for progress not prefections 

the international version might be better for all to use

Cate's question : Settings for time out - 

is there period of inactivity - not active in the check out screen or in FOLIO 

Answer : FOLIO in activity 

PC annoucement  : Looking for a tool beyond the Dissuss pages 

Questions is not added to the top nav of the wiki 

Peter is coming up with a video for discription 

Fines and Fees 

PPT from Holly Mistlebauer

Please add the the PPT to the RA Google 

The library as a "money handler" 

Lots of disscusion and tweaking - see recording 

Add a meeting on Monday for the group to talk