2018-10-08 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items

5minHousekeepingAndrea Loigman
  • note-taker - Deb Lamb
  • changes to meeting notes

SIG members are aware they should preview wiki before meetings.

10minPatron notifications for manual fines/fees

 Three options presented:

  • Always set Notify Patron flag to Yes, allowing staff member to turn it off if desired
  • Always set Notify Patron flag to No, allowing staff member to turn it on if desired
  • Manual Fee/Fine Table to set Yes/No flag but still allow staff member to change flag if desired

It was also requested that a patron message box be added so that customized text can be added to the patron notice.

Determine how "Notify patron" flag should be set for Charge Manual Fee/Fine
30minItems states display (con't)
Determine requirements for states' display components
15minOverrides enhancementEmma Boettcher
Confirm columns for renewal override modal. Include predicted due date?

Meeting Outcomes

Functional AreaProduct OwnerDecisions ReachedReasoningLink to Supporting MaterialsComments
  • Manual Fee/Fine Table will be updated to add a Notify Patron column so that a Fee/Fine Owner is able to select the default setting for the Notify Patron flag. The staff member will still be able to change the Notify Patron flag on the Charge Manual Fee/Fine page.
  • There will also be a text box added titled Message to Patron so that customized information can be sent to the patron in the patron notice.  This text box will only show up if the Notify Patron flag is on. 
  • This was the most flexible of the three options available (see notes above).
  • Less likely to forget to send patron notice when we should.
  • Less likely to send unnecessary patron notices.

Screen mock-ups presented at meeting

Post meeting mock-ups

Holly will need to talk to Darcy about this.
 Loans: item states
  •  Display highest-priority type of request in loan history table, display only highest-priority Needed For & mouseover to view all
  • When Needed For is triggered during Check In, do not show all other Needed For or give ability to Override - show only summary information.
  • Ending process needs to be easy to do in bulk but difficult to do by accident. Check In may not be the best place for it.
  • "highest priority" more flexible than forcing recall as the highest-priority type of patron requests, and showing the highest-priority Needed For makes viewing things at-a-glance easier
  • Overrides of Needed For will be rare, and showing the information will confuse the staff member
  • May have to end cataloging process for hundreds of books at once, but if a process is triggered at Check In, don't want to accidentally end it shortly after

Loans: overridesEmma Boettcher
  • No decision reached

  • Emma will come up with clearer stories & walkthrough of this process for Thursday


  1.  In order to make better use of our meeting notes, there is now a “goals” column on the minutes.  PO’s will follow up on the set goals and fill out the meeting outcomes section.  Andrea has begun to add tags to past minutes so it will be easier to find related information.
  2. Holly: Noticed that there was no “notify patron” option on the Charge Manual Fees/Fines Page.  Do we want this?  Yes.  Where should it live? Much support for it living in the fees/fines table.  There should always be an option to uncheck or check, depending on how it is set up.  Will the configuration of the notices text live nearby?  Holly will ask Darcy.  Could the comments section meant for patron (not staff) be configured to appear somewhere in the notice? 
  3. Emma: Changing states and needed for: what degree of information should be displayed for staff.  Too much might cause confusion.  Support to only show the most current action or thing you need to do.  Should there ever be an override button?  “Back” does nothing but take you back to the current state.  No need for an override in this case.
  4. Emma:  How does a process end?  How do we know if it ends?  Examples are “at preservation” or “cataloging” flag.  At this point, we don’t really understand how flags would work.  It would be nice if there was a way to trigger something so an item could enter another workflow.  Also this would include staff (like preservation) who are not familiar with the circ apps and are not looking for this opportunity.  Emma will think about this more and come back to us.
  5. Emma: Overrides for failed renewals: The mock up showed what it looks like if the system can predict a renewal date and what it looks like if the system cannot.  In this case, staff can set a new due date using the calendar feature, if they have the appropriate permissions.  If you do not want to override, the box can be unchecked.  Emma will bring us other examples to help clarify this concept.