2018-08-02 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items

  • note-taker - Mark Canney
  • Reminder - FOLIO Forum 8/15 @ 11 EDT
15minDeclared lost & MissingEmma Boettcher
25minHow 'manual' states change slides
15minMulti-tenancy / PermissionsCate Boerema (Deactivated)

DRAFT deck

Please add your comments and questions



Declared Lost and Missing. These are concepts not labels. Four cases in which we don't know where an item is: Is it on loan to a patron (yes/no)? Are we optimistic it will be recovered (yes/no)? Does this cover all possibilities?

Declared Lost: Acceleration of what would happen if an item aged to lost. Available from patron's open loans. Stays on patron's account until bill closes. Do we need a bulk action for Declared Lost - or is it OK for DL to live under the elipsis? Deb mentioned need to add a note to manual DL process. Could we leverage new "comment required" feature in User> Settings in DL?

Item availability. What workflows require manual action - human intervention -  of changing item availability (not "needed for" or process, or check out logic)? Withdraw. On Exhibit. Remove missing/lost manually (if you can manually put something in missing you should be able to do the reverse)? Manual transit?

Emma's notes about this topic:

For those that weren’t at the meeting today, Andrea suggested that I send out slides & questions about changing an item’s Availability. slides

In the meeting, we discussed the changes to an item’s availability that stem from human intervention, as opposed to from a check in, check out, or time passing. (I’ve included examples on the third slide.)

The last slide maps the different changes to availability through human intervention that we’ve previously discussed (the arrows indicate the transition from one state to another), and today we discussed what we’d need to add to that diagram. I’ve included some notes on the slide.

If you weren’t able to be there today (or even if you were), I’d like to know if there are other cases where you need to change an item’s Availability (excluding through check out, check in, or time passing). I’ll check in at the beginning of the next RA meeting to see if anyone has any more examples, but I’d also appreciate them as replies to this email, so that we don’t have to dwell too long on this at the next meeting.

Please let me know if I can answer any questions, and thanks as always for your time.


Permissions in FOLIO. Will a single-tenant implementation work for my organization? Slide deck here: DRAFT deck

Can we limit sharing of data between tenants? Yes, but we should avoid features which formalize data segmentation for single tenant option. Doing so expends time and resources better spent on consortial features.