2018-12-17 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-12-17 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion tems


10minSuppressed items at checkin/checkoutEmma Boettcher
Decision on behavior when item suppressed from discovery is scanned at checkin or checkout
10minConfirmation on Loan Policy / Request Mgt. settings
Confirmation of fields for Pages; selection intervals for new time-related request fields

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to Supporting Materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
LoansEmma Boettcher
Only acknowledge suppressed items in combination with other issues (e.g., Missing, Lost).
Do not automatically un-suppress items when checking in or out.
ILL items or reserve faculty copy items may be suppressed but be OK to circulate, and alerting for each instance of suppression will create alert fatigue.

If availability is Missing or Lost (any configuration), or Withdrawn, acknowledge that the item is suppressed during check in or check out.
If availability is Checked out, Available, In transit, Awaiting pickup, Recently returned, do not alert the staff user to the fact that the item is suppressed. Instead, rely on reports to figure out if there have been mistakes.

Loan Policies
Confirmed field names in LP form for paging requests; Confirmed selection intervals for new new fields in Request Mgt.

Documented in UICIRC-139 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Andrea reminded us the Forum Facilitators SIG needs additional members; they hope to add a representative from our group. They meet on Wednesdays at 3pm EST for about 30 minutes to plan FOLIO Forum presentations.
  • Emma asked about Suppressed items (items suppressed from discovery); what should happen at checkin? Some possibilities are an Alert Modal, Confirm Modal or No modal. An Alert Modal would complete the checkin but alert the operator the item is suppressed. A Confirm Modal would ask for confirmation before checkin. The group generally agreed the checkin should always procede and Alert Modal if availability state is Missing, Lost or Withdrawn. If availability is Checked out, Available, In transit, Awaiting pickup, Recently returned, do not alert the staff user to the fact that the item is suppressed. Instead, rely on reports to figure out if there have been mistakes.

What happens at checkin? Check this item in? Leave suppressed? Route to cataloging? What about things like personal reserves which are not visible in discovery? Some things are "suppressed" Other things may be "withdrawn" for other reasons. "Suppressed" plus certain availability states - like "lost".

  • Sean asked about time intervals dialog in Loan Policy Form > Request Management > Recalls.  Group agreed all intervals should be consistent and include Minutes|Hours|Days|Weeks|Months.

Pages. Should options ("alternate loan period at checkout for items with an active, pending page request" and "Allow renewal of items with an active pending page request" exist the same as Holds? Group agreed they are essentially the same. We did identify a parking lot issue: when second page request exists it needs to be flipped to a hold request.