2018-07-02 Resource Access Meeting Notes
2018-07-02 Resource Access Meeting Notes
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5min | Housekeeping |
| |
55min | Item Statuses con't. | Status doc |
Emma on Item Statuses
Emmas question for the group: What does it need for a status to automatically go through to "need for" and/or "process"? (I might got this one wrong please feel free to edit this, thanks)
Summary: We went through the Item statuses again and several new questions came up
- Which statuses are workflow relevant?
- Which statuses are relevant for the workflow engine?
- If the workflow engine exists some Process statuses are perfect for it
- Needed for statuses are step 0 statuses
- David: What is reasonable for V1? Should it be more intelligent & automated, what is needed for presentation e.g. a patron request is only automated
Main Questions, that statuses need to answer to:
- Where is the item?
- Where does it need to go?
- What to do with it?
- For that do we need to look at only the availability statuses or also at process?
Are we in need for a 4th status for requests?
- David reports from the request sub group:
- on loan screens you need to know a few things about request statuses:
- next due date or item status
- what state is a request in
- what type is it
- only existence
- there will be request types which can be put in to loan engine
Andrea: What would make it easiest for the staff to react to a patron asking for an item?
- no pop up for every processing status but the availability status will do
- more info will be available in different places
- Are we in need for an invisible availability status (unavailable) rather than a concrete status?
- David suggests that more Info in e.g. preservation or in house is good for the search so that you know where to look for it
- 1-2 more statuses are needed to reflect that
Custom statuses:
- David stresses that custom statuses are needed not only to create them but also to connect them to each other
Other concerns:
- Most important info is where does the item go next
- Tania states that the questions are: Which of these things FOLIO does and what a human need to do or have (automated vs. manual process?)
- request group will be back soon to present progress
- process statuses may need be better structured
Task for next meeting: Think about other things in categories or other examples.
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