2018-06-18 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-06-18 Resource Access Meeting Notes




  • Discuss Claims Returned workflow (continued from June 14, 2018)

Discussion items

5 minHousekeepingEmma Boettcher
40 min Claims Returned 
  • Do we need a 3rd option where Staff member can only exit? Probably not.
  • We don't think there's a need to maintain a connection between a patron and an item that is marked as missing when the patron isn't billed
10 minClaims Returned Wire FrameEmma Boettcher
  • Degree of specificity for information displayed when marking an item claims returned? Barcode.
  • Degree of specificity for information displayed when marking many items claims returned? Number of items is sufficient.
  • Loan details: have the date listed under the claims returned field? Yes, let's keep it.
  • Item is already claims returned: cannot renew, staff can change due date, cannot claim returned again, can mark as lost. No strong feelings about these options.


Action items