2018-09-17 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-09-17 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items

25minNotice Logic 
10minReportingHolly Mistlebauer
15minLBS loan policy changesSchwill, CarstenClick here for the deck.


Notice Logic – Darcy

Two options, re: display:

1. Before overdue, at overdue, after overdue [chronological]

2. Send immediately, followed by before, and overdue

Preference expressed for the first option

Options for other events?

Notice options will need to be clear; develop naming convention;

Recall options, re: display:

Options mimic notice options

Discussion, re: tying availability notices with requests

Reporting Overview – Holly

Reporting SIG Deliverables

Data Warehouse

Data Dictionary

Existing/New Reports

Reporting overview document

Includes link to Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet

Holly reviewed how to add a request for a report to the report spreadsheet

Modification During Checkout – Carsten

LBS Multi Functional Screen

Screenshot: modification during checkout (loan period & loan type)

Could this be done in FOLIO? Mock-up w/ change buttons added to check out app

Carsten presented strategies for computing, storing, and changing the loan policy

It was suggested that Carsten share this with Emma, who is product owner for this