2018-02-05 Resource Access Meeting Notes




  • Figure out how to move ahead quicker with defining work for Resource Access

Discussion items

11:00 AMNote takerAndrea
  • Holly Mistlebauer is next in line to take notes
11:05 AMMaking sub-groups workAndrea
  • Proposed groups: 
    • Notifications (PO Tania)
    • Printing slips (PO Tania?)

    • Overrides and permissions

    • Requests and loans wrap up (POs Tania/Cate)
    • Fees and fines (PO Holly)
    • Check-in (PO Darcy)
    • Reserves (PO Anya)
  • Issues:
    • Not enough of the "right kind" of additional staff at institution -
      • Professional staff with narrow focus (will discuss how they do things now and not see big picture)
      • Non-professional staff with even narrower focus
    • Open positions at institutions, not enough bandwidth
    • Will end up being same people on each group
  • Solutions:
    • Could we prioritize the sub-groups so that perhaps two run at the same time?
    • Sub-group would meet and then present results to larger team.
    • Sub-group doesn't need to meet at same time as current meetings. 
    • Members of sub-group can be SIG members or their designees. 
    • Two sub-groups meet Monday and Thursday of one week and big group meets the next week. 
  • Next steps:
    • Let Darcy finish Check-in on Thursday–anything else that can be knocked out in a meeting or two? Requests stalled out due to locations. Cate is working on Loans.  What's left?
    • Determine two top priorities (seems to be Reserves and Notifications).
    • Need to discuss Reserves further (on Monday 2/12) as a large group before sub-group starts.
    • If extra time Thursday or Monday (2/8 or 2/12) start discussing printing slips.
    • Make two groups that start next Thursday (2/15)?  How many times would they meet before sharing their results with the larger group?

12:45 PMDraft meeting agendas for next 3 weeksHolly (based on notes)

Thursday, 2/8

  • Darcy will finish up Check-In
  • If there is any leftover time, Tania will lead early discussion of Print Slips

Monday, 2/12

  • Discuss two sub-groups to start first (Cate will be back and give she is 6 hours ahead of us may have had time to think about two sub-groups to start first)
  • Anya will lead discussion on approach we should take on Reserves
  • If not discussed on Thursday, Tania will lead early discussion of Print Slips

Thursday, 2/15

(Can’t start subgroups yet because POs need time to get ready, depending on which sub-groups are chosen)

  • Discuss Reserves and Print Slips if not covered 2/8 or 2/12
  • Finish up some of the Requests/Loans work

Monday, 2/19

  • First sub-group meetings

Thursday, 2/22

  • Second sub-group meetings

Action items

  • Everyone needs to do their homework (define Reserves at their institution and identify people at their institution for each sub-group)
  • Holly Mistlebauer needs to set up a extra Zoom sessions for additional sub-group meetings.
  • Cate Boerema (Deactivated) needs to work with SIG to identify first sub-groups and sub-group approach.