2018-04-30 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-04-30 Resource Access Meeting Notes




  • Review screens and messages 

Discussion items

5 minHousekeeping
25minScreen and wire-frame reviews
  • Change due date
  • In-house use
  • barcode not found
30 minRequest messagingMessages and modals related to check-in, check-out and renewal


  • Emma-screen mockup for change due date bulk change
    • ability to deselect specific items, warning about items with request queue (at top of list), etc.
    • warnings about patron expired, date is in past, library closed, etc.
  • Emma-how should system handle barcodes not recognized
    • modal stopping person in tracks-only option to exit-should reset cursor to blank input
    • audible feedback for modals should be included if possible
    • confirmation that modals should be cleared by some keyboard key (not enter)
    • no strong opinions on "exit" label-should simply be consistent
    • item lookup is on the path but not sure when that will be scheduled
  • Tania-requests circ messages
    • strategy for going forward: because some odd situation needs to happen, either manually by staff person or automatically via override, but steps are the same
    • design and implement the functions manual functions first, then use those as building blocks for automatic override
      • reordering request queue
      • reopen awaiting pickup to awaiting fulfillment, etc.
    • awaiting pickup for different patron at different location
      • override is a low priority
        • print slip option - this would require a check-in action - prioritization vs manual checkin
    • in transit to this location for a different patron
      • seems good
    • in transit to a different location for a different patron
    • in transit for this patron at a different location - no alert is okay (alert fatigue)
    • item is eligible to fill an open Q1 request for a different patron-different libraries may want to privilege the person with the item in hand or the person with the request
      • "continue with checkout" or "do not checkout" is the preferred option
      • whatever rules to existing requests would kick in if you proceeded with the checkout
    • check-in screen of item already awaiting pickup
    • item awaiting pickup somewhere else and needs to go in transit
    • modals for delivery
    • delivery notices that an item is en route but problematic for all pickup in transits
      • eventually the ability to allow patrons to choose which notices to receive (in transit for pickup vs. available for pickup)
  • Andrea will send links to WolfCon RA meetings if it proves possible