2018-02-08 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-02-08 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items

 5 minHousekeeping/Sub-groups Andrea Loigman
45 minCheck-inDarcy Branchini
10 minPrint slipsTania Hewes


Housekeeping (Andrea)


Monday: reserves; sub-groups {revised; see below}

Google Doc:

Check-in Screen (Darcy)

Scan barcode + item look-up
Option to process differently (backdating, for example)

Today (date), now (time), this library (location)

  • Date/time needs to be now or past only; not future
  • System will capture both real time & altered check-in time (back-dated time)
  • Is there some notification that user is now backdating?

Alternative screens presented.

Check-in screen listing items

Location discussion tabled

Owner: Does this need to be visible on this screen

Entire row clickable to access item record
Individual clicks for details
The ellipsis

If entire row is clickable, we don’t want to lose current session/screen

Check-in Alerts (Google sheet)
Please add additional concerns.
Perhaps this an opportunity for a one-shot sub-group.

Print slips (Tania)

Kinds of slips needed:

Current list:

  • Check-in receipt
  • Checkout receipt
  • Awaiting Pickup-hold shelf
  • Delivery request
  • In transit for request
  • In transit to go home

What is the definition of slip?
(Slips vs. notifications?)
Things that get triggered at a service point that needs to be printed (or text, etc.); critical for next thing you need to do OR critical for the patron


  • Payment receipt
  • Request by department for workflow (ex: repair, reserve, cataloging)

Printing: needs receipt printing capability; printer/paper standards will vary; needs to be configurable

What about paging slips?
This overlaps w/ what we are talking about here; paging requires us to go get item; these slips are at check-in (we have item in hand).

We need to have a separate discussion about paging slips. There will be local preferences (generation of individual slips vs. reports)

Meeting on Monday (some members will be at Midwinter):

  • Sub-group formation
  • Non-controversial issues, re: slips (Tania)

Meeting on Thursday:

  • Conversation, re: reserves