2018-11-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-11-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion tems


40minRequest and loan policiesCate Boerema (Deactivated)

Review new mockups and discuss if the settings are now in the right place for request management

Request Policy Mockup

Recall interval and Cate will verify the return interval and minimum guaranteed period computation

Default request policy for requests and have the option to specify request policy --Shawn will lead a discussion on this

Cate asked questions about pickup location for requests-remote campuses/remote users so need the pick up location choice

Item status in parking lot for requests policy

Rush recall type of requests? Do we need this type?

20minCirculate non-circulating items

Discuss failed checkout- policy says item should not circulate-options:

Ask user due date and time- change due date; override failed check out then system asks user to select a loan policy which option? Go with option modify due date and will the system fall back or default to loan rule? Emma will check with Shawn

2 scenarios: no loan policy–this item cannot be loaned

Decide scope of override: apply new policy, or just set due date

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached

Link to Supporting Materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decisione.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
RequestsCate Boerema (Deactivated)Q1 2019

Loan Policy Mockup:

  1. Moving request policy settings to loan policy makes sense
  2. For recalls, we don't need both "alternate period at checkout..." and "minimum guaranteed loan period". For all institutions represented on the SIG today, these would always be the same. Let's just remove "alternate loan period..." SIG wanted to make sure Andrea Loigman was okay with this.
  3. For recalls, we don't need the ability to allow renewals. No one on the call thought they would do that. They might use change due date or renewal override in this case, but they don't need this setting.
  4. It would be good to have a way to launch the Change due date functionality from within the Request record.
  5. For Holds, there shouldn't be a "recall return interval"
  6. Should we have a section in the Loan policy for Pages? Those are, by definition, for items not on loan. Yes - we should because there can be a queue of page requests that has accumulated for an item and we need to know what to do when the item is checked out.
  7. FOLIO will look at the type of the next item in the request queue to determine which settings to use at checkout. We know that the FIFO queue management we have is insufficient in the long-run but we will address that in a later call.
  8. When an item is recalled, calculate today's date plus the recall return interval. If the resulting date (RD) is sooner than the original due date (ODD), use the RD. If the RD is later than the original due date, use the ODD. If the RD is less than the minimum guaranteed due (MGD), use the MGD. Cate needs to confirm this logic with the SIG

Request Policy Mockup:

  1. Settings looked good to people
  2. No one actually thought they would need to set delivery options separately for each request type as shown in the mock-ups but we wanted to check with Andrea Loigman before consolidating.
  3. Talked about request by item status setting and whether that should be configurable in the request policy or not. Answer: No. We talked about configuring this at the tenant level and everyone thought that would work. UXPROD-1320
  4. That said, it was suggested that some institutions may want to have different request to item status configurations by location. Wanted to get this on the parking lot.

Loan Rules:

  • People were okay with leveraging the current loan rules editor to target additional policy types. One each of request, loan and notice policies.
  • Talked about there being a fallback policy for each type that would be used if nothing else was specified. Cate suggested that was the only "inheritance" allowed.
  • Darcy questioned how this would work given there is nesting in the loan rules editor and we deferred further convo until Sean was back.

LoansEmma BoettcherQ1 2019Select due date and assume other aspects of the loan (e.g., non-renewable), if overriding a loan policy that says an item is non-circulating
