2019-2-4 Resource Access Meeting Notes
Discussion tems
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals |
5min | Housekeeping |
| ||
45min | Item states | Emma Boettcher | Item state transitions (bulk and single) | Determine requirements for how states change: understand where Needed For and Process should be applied & how a Process ends. |
10min | Call numbers | Andrea Loigman | Where will call numbers need to be shown and what will they need to look like in those locations. | Call number requirements |
Meeting Outcomes
Functional Area | Product Owner | Planned Release (if known) | Decision Reached | Reasoning | Link to Supporting Materials | Comments |
e.g. loans, fees/fines | Name | e.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019 | Clearly stated decision |
| e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue | |
Item states | Emma Boettcher | Recommendation: separate mechanism for ending a process from Check In Associate the end of a process with a service point |
| State transitions | ||
- Emma and a day without wireframes: Much discussion about item state transition - ending a process when the item is not needed for anything further. How does this happen? 3 options for ending the process:
- Option 1: checking items in ends process
- Option 2: End process through separate functions (individual or bulk) – someone else checks it in
- Option 3: End process through separate function (individual or bulk)-done, ready to shelve, status = Available
There are processes that are not circ related such as technical services “in process” and preservation. Often circ folks find that other departments are not interested in checking things in for a wide variety of reasons. This can result in circ staff having large amounts of materials to check in to end those processes. We do not want to have to check things in twice. Having the options to do this both on an individual item as well as in a bulk action is the best way. Is there a way to create workflows in collaboration with other units that would result in a more efficient workflow for us all? We agreed that Option 2 is our choice. Andrea and Emma will reach out to Charlotte to see if we can find a way that will make us all happy
2. Call Number display: For next time, please look at the call number document Andrea has started. Emma will post another document with components of call numbers to help us with this exercise, as there were questions about where the call number components come from. What happens if you don’t use LC? Other questions, concerns?