2022-11-28 Item State Working Group




  • Zoom - see meeting invite

Discussion items


Administrivia and settling in

Reminders to Erin: enable subtitles, record to upload to Google drive.

Last week's meeting notes - 2022-11-14 Item State Working Group

Erin's work

  • Updated jiras with use cases from discussion
  • Continued Jira cleanup

Continued discussion with slide deck - 

Additional use cases for Process and Needed for?

Jacquie: Inventory remediation - data quality control. Sometimes you need an item in your hand in order to be able to fix metadata issues. Laura +1.

Thomas: Remote storage - items can go through multiple steps in an accessions workflow. Process could identify where an item is for a library in that workflow, prior to final accession into a system like CAIASoft.

Julie: Weeding - having the ability to flag something for review as part of collections management. Allows
you to identify items to take action on later.

Mark: Item needed for a reading room appointment / request requiring approval.

Reviewing settings page

Bill - items needing confirmation - is that permission controlled? Erin - no, if you can check it out, you can check it out. Bill - seems like that's just a recipe for ignoring it then - permissions would be needed.

Julie - how is building use only handled? Erin - the question to ask is "can I loan this or not" - building use only is a concept that assumes once you loan the item to someone they won't leave the building.

Thomas - right, we use special locations and loan types to signify that because it persists throughout the loan.

Jacquie - when would you not check something in? Why would you restrict that? Erin - example is a status of Withdrawn - it's a signal to staff that something is wrong.

Idea of Needed for and Process overriding status behavior

Group agreed we likely needed that to happen

Jacquie - Needed for and Process would persist through an availability cycle in ways that Item Status would not

Laura - I could see some values needing to override behavior, like a needed for of "Item repair needed" should override requesting and renewal

Jacquie - we should have the ability to limit the number of renewals. Erin - harder than it sounds, because limits are built into the loan policy. Thomas - what about a feature that says for "Needed for", use this alternate loan policy. Erin - probably too in the weeds.

Problem of the action menu

Bill - people will probably get used to it - there are lots of UX issues in FOLIO

Thomas - long lists would be a problem - can we look at a modal?

Laura - if we came up with a solution, we could get it adopted by other apps...

Erin - plan to discuss offline with Kimie Kester to try and figure out what to do ....

Custom item statuses

Jacquie - this includes a display name? Erin - yes

Thomas - I hear people say they don't want restrictions on moving things around at all

Jacquie - I want to be able to move almost everything - need permissions controls. LW - +1.

EN - what about a status tied to a specific location?

Showing process and needed for accordion design

LW - this needs to happen automatically - requiring the manual steps will lead to data errors.
TT - the request re-order workflow is an example of implemented drag and drop

LW - you might just want to put a process in and not have to move it from Needed for

TT - what about implementing it as multiple processes? EN - not sure I can follow that, we can talk more offline.

Action items and to-dos

  • Next meeting - December 12th

Action items
