Fast-add | UX patterns for common cross-app tasks

Fast-add | UX patterns for common cross-app tasks

This page is to collect use cases and possible information for fast-add functionality.




Analysis Notes

Proposed pattern


Submitted by OR has use case for institution / customers

Date added

1Fast-add AGL

Create an AGL from eHoldings App

TBD: do we want to display the minimum required information

Martina Schildt from AI discussion


2Fast-add Interfaces

Be able to create and link an interface while creating an organization record.

Alternative: Create/link interface from view instead of edit mode

Martina Schildt from AI discussion


3Fast-add Contact person

Be able to create and link a contact person while creating an organization record.

Alternative: Create/link contact person from view instead of edit mode

Martina Schildt from AI discussion


4Fast-add invoices

Create new invoices from Open Access publication requests

This is currently built in OA app | interest to change?

Martina Schildt from AI discussion


5Fast-add instances

Create new instances from Orders / Receiving 

Orders does not load a form to do a fast add | orders can create instances when opening an order | fast-add wasn't existing when this was developed

Martina Schildt from AI discussion