Item State Work - Custom Item Statuses, Needed for and Process


Over the course of 3-5 months, this group will work with a product owner who has some extra capacity to write requirements related to the planned item state functionality listed below. Based on the SME discussions, that product owner will attempt to flesh out requirements for all of the listed jiras so that when a permanent product owner can be found, that person does not have to start from scratch.



Reference documentation

Discussion participants

@Thomas Trutt 

Resource Access

Cornell (SME)

@Andrea Loigman 

Resource Access

Duke (SME)

@Mark Canney 

Resource Access

Lehigh (SME)

@Laura E Daniels 

Metadata Management

Cornell (SME)

@Jacquie Samples 

Metadata Management

Duke (SME)

@Julie R. Stauffer 


UChicago (SME)



Duke (SME)

@(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 


Discussion convener, requirements writing

Questions to answer

Order of work

Meeting 1 (Week of November 14)

  • Intro and defining scope

    • Discussion of broad aspects of item state model

  • Goal of this group

  • Begin with use cases for custom item status, needed for and process

Meeting 2: (Week of November 28th)

  • Continue review of custom item status use cases, needed for and process

  • Inventory focus - 

    • Settings UI - custom item statuses, needed for and process 

    • Use cases

Meeting 3: (Week of December 12th)

  • Continue review of requirements for item UI

    • item view

    • item edit

    • holdings display on instance view (might need to be delayed)

  • Search behavior in UI

Meeting 4: (Week of January 9th)

  • Orders and Receiving

Meeting 5: (Week of January 23rd)

  • Begin circulation-focused discussions

    • Request behavior with "Needed for" and "Process"

    • Do we need settings on Needed for and Process to override item status controls (Use cases)

Meeting 6: (Week of February 6th)

  • Continue request discussion

    • Behavior with whitelisting

    • UI needs

  • If time: Begin discussion of check in and check out

Meeting 7: (Week of February 20th)

  • If time: continue discussing check in and check out requirements

  • Define circ log requirements

    • Circ log includes "Marked as missing" as a captured event — are there other types of needed for or process transactions that we think should be in the circulation log specifically?

    • There is a generic "item status history" Jira meant to describe a broader item history need - some of these needs may be better fit for that feature

  • Users loans, fines

Meeting 8: (Week of March 6th)

  • Begin discussion of data import behavior

    • Are there examples in "Process" where we would NOT want data import to be able to set / change a value?

    • Are there examples in "Needed for" where we would NOT want data import to be able to set / change a value?

Meeting 9: (Week of March 20th)

  • Define data export behavior

    • Are there examples where data export should NOT be able to export a value in "Process" - if so, should the entire export of that item record fail?

    • Are there examples where data export should NOT be able to export a value in "Needed for" - if so, should the entire export of that item record fail?

  • If time: begin reviewing reporting requirements

    • Assume any in-app report that includes item status would need to be extended to include needed for and process

      • Canned reports

        • in transit items (inventory)

        • overdue loans, claim returned, cash drawer reconciliation, financial detail, refunds to process manually (users), hold shelf clearance (requests)

    • Same would be true for exports through export manager

    • requirements to support external tools (panorama, ldp) is TBD

Meeting 10: (Week of April 3rd)

  • Permissions

    • Desired functionality in 2020 was being able to control who can put an item into item status XYZ, and who can take an item out of item status XYZ

    • Are there similar permission desires for "Needed for" and "Process"? (That might be technically very difficult to do, depending on what it is desired to control, but the requirement can still be listed.)

Apps and areas of FOLIO affected by item status

  • Inventory

    • Front end - item view, item edit, action menus, search filtering, instance record holdings accordion view

    • In-transit app report

    • Back-end – data models, APIs, searching

  • Data import

    • Front end, back end

  • Data export

    • Front end, back end

  • Circulation

    • Back-end - data models, APIs

    • Apps - Check in, Check out, Requests, Circulation log

    • Back-end - RTAC modules

  • Export manager

  • Orders

    • Creating new item records ("On order")

    • Cancelling PO lines ("Order cancelled")

  • Receiving

  • Users

    • Loans UI

    • Fines - new fee/fine modal UI

    • In-app reports - overdue loans, claim returned, financial transaction details, refunds to process manually

  • INN-Reach

  • Courses

    • List of items on course view pane


  • LDP

  • Dashboard