ERM Sprint 63

Sprint Goal / Focus

  •  Integration with Organizations

Sprint Schedule

  • Sprint: 63
  • Quarter: 2019 Q2
  • Start / Planning Tuesday 7 May, 3pm UK
  • Merge Cutoff Friday 17 May, 2pm UK 
  • End / Turnover Monday 20 May, 10am UK
  • Retrospective: Wed 22 May, 2:30pm UK

Sprint Capacity

Team AvailabilitySchedule

  • 320 hours (~ full dev strength)

Notes / Exceptions:

  • 6 May UK Public Holiday, so shortened sprint.
  • 7-10 May ELAG: no additional QA support
  • 8, 14, 15 May: No PO availability 

Lead Roles:

QA Environment: folio-testing


 Sprint Planning Agenda
  1. Sprint Goal / Focus
  2. Sprint Capacity
  3. Review sprint candidates 
  4. Agree technical approach / define key implementation tasks
  5. Finalise estimates / costings
  6. Confirm sprint scope
  7. Confirm first actions
 Sprint Retrospective Agenda
  1. Review Retro Board (10 mins)
  2. Voting (2 mins)
  3. Discussion (15 mins)
  4. Summary Actions (3 mins)

Sprint Planning  


Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions

ERM-189 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Previously: BE 16h FE 0h 

UXPROD-1597 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-132 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Previously BE 15h FE 8h

Needs updates to web-toolkit, so Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) or steve.osguthorpe

UXPROD-1520 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-162 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • BE 4h FE 16h
  • ERM-179 can proceed without the back-end sub-issues.
  • ERM-180 is dependent on the back-end tasks.

(warning) needed for  ERM-163 - Getting issue details... STATUS  which is also scheduled in this sprint.

UXPROD-1520 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-163 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Previously BE 0h FE 8h 

(warning) needs  ERM-162 - Getting issue details... STATUS  which is scheduled in this sprint

UXPROD-1601 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-220 - Getting issue details... STATUS


BE2h  FE 16h

(warning) needed for  ERM-165 - Getting issue details... STATUS  which is also scheduled in this sprint.

Does not include the workflow to include filters. Ideally they would 

Adding an organization to an agreement will create a new link record.

  • Entity: subscriptionAgreementOrg
  • JSON: Orgs array including those Entities.
  • subscriptionAgreementOrg has name and ID.


  • Backend (all changes to Org) (2h)
    • Rename UUID from VendorsID to OrganizationID
    • Remove orgRef call 
    • Check for and enforce duplicate Organization assignment to role
    • Remove source URI
  • Front-end (8h-16h)
    • Use ui-plugin-find-organizations
    • Update data returned
    • Create UI (non-cards)

UXPROD-1601 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-219 - Getting issue details... STATUS


BE 1h  FE 16h

  • Backend (all changes to Org) (1h)
    • Rename UUID from VendorsID to OrganizationID
    • Remove orgRef call 
    • Check for and enforce duplicate Organization assignment to role
    • Remove source URI
  • Front-end (8h-16h)
    • Use ui-plugin-find-organizations
    • Update data returned
    • Create UI (non-cards)

UXPROD-1300 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-165 - Getting issue details... STATUS



tinymce.emotions_dlg.warning UXPROD-1601 is scheduled for this sprint


  • Permissions to view Organizations and passwords


  • Backend (16h)
    • Refactor organization API structure for mod-licenses
    • Refactor organization API structure for mod-agreements
    • Validate modOrganizations behaviour
    • Configure embedded Organizations record
  • Frontend (16h)
    • Display interface data using Card design

UXPROD-1660 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-198 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Previously: PR to be submitted

  • Ready for Code Review.

UXPROD-1159 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-184 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Previously BE 20h FE 20h


  • To store in db to circumvent OKAPI non-persistence issue.

ERM-92 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Kurt Nordstrom

No further work needed (apart from submitting)


  • PR to be submitted for work completed so far. 
  • Integration tests to be resolved separately.

ERM-49 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Permission sets to be applied.

There needs to be a higher level discussion about how these groups are defined and categorised, and can be re-used.

UXPROD-1513 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-217 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • What do we post to the back-end?
    • JSON scheme submit_package
    • single operation


  • Needs UI
  • Error message descriptions
  • Large import file (asynchronous handling)
  • Define underscore fields notation

UXPROD-1517 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-215 - Getting issue details... STATUS


UXPROD-1548 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-186 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Previously: BE 0h FE 8h 

  • In General FOLIO Settings app
  • Code in ui-agreements

ERM-218 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-190 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-193 - Getting issue details... STATUS

John Fereira

PreviouslyLooks like it needs resolving in web-toolkit, so Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) or steve.osguthorpe

ERM-199 - Getting issue details... STATUS

(tick)Merged. Just needs closing now. 

Sprint Retrospective

 Sprint Retrospective Agenda
  1. Review Retro Board (10 mins)
  2. Voting (2 mins)
  3. Discussion (15 mins)
  4. Summary Actions (3 mins)