ERM Sprint 93

Sprint Goal / Focus

  • Goldenrod Bugfix Release Priorities
  • UXPROD-2257 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • UXPROD-1476 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sprint Schedule

  • Sprint: 93
  • Release: Honeysuckle
  • Quarter: 2020 Q3
  • Start Monday 29 June, 2pm UK
  • Finish Friday 10 July, 12pm UK

Sprint Capacity

Team AvailabilitySchedule | Calendar

Notes / Exceptions:

  • Ethan only available 1.5 sprints, and Claudia Mon-Wed each sprint week
  • Peter and Steve not available
  • Gill off - no wireframe 

Lead Roles:

QA Environment: folio-testing


 Sprint Planning Agenda
  1. Sprint Goal / Focus
  2. Sprint Capacity
  3. Review sprint candidates 
  4. Agree technical approach / define key implementation tasks
  5. Finalise estimates / costings
  6. Confirm sprint scope
  7. Confirm first actions

Sprint Planning  

(error) - not in sprint

(tick) or @ - in sprint 


Brought Forward

Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions


ERM-948 - Getting issue details... STATUS


ERM-960 - Getting issue details... STATUS  /  ERM-961 - Getting issue details... STATUS  / 

ERM-963 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In Code Review. Target for Goldenrod Bugfix Release (9 July). 

Blocked by STCOM-712. Should be resolved this sprint. 

UXPROD-2472 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-510 - Getting issue details... STATUS

(error) Push to Sprint 94 for when Peter Böhm returns. 

In Development 

UXPROD-1476 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-950 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In Development

Slack Conversation: ERM backend is ignoring client generated id , unlike other core modules.  Is this intentional or can we move to consistency? What is the effort and impact to make this happen? 

  • Potentially revisit on Wednesday dev call
UXPROD-1476 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-950 /  ERM-954 - Getting issue details... STATUS


In Development

Should this not be closed now, based on last dev call?

UXPROD-1476 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-951 - Getting issue details... STATUS

User 8b5eb

In Sprint Backlog

UXPROD-1476 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-952 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In Sprint Backlog

UXPROD-1476 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-952 /  ERM-955 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In Sprint Backlog

UXPROD-1476 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-952 /  ERM-957 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In Sprint Backlog

UXPROD-1476 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-952 /  ERM-959 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In Sprint Backlog

UXPROD-2251 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-888 - Getting issue details... STATUS In Sprint Backlog. Unblocked. 

UXPROD-1669 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-968 - Getting issue details... STATUS  /  ERM-969 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Owen Stephens In QA

UXPROD-2125 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-967 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-1669 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-966 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sprint Focus

Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions

UXPROD-2257 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-943 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-2257 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-944 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-2257 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-945 - Getting issue details... STATUS