ERM Sprint 73

Sprint Goal / Focus

Sprint Schedule

  • Sprint: 73
  • Release: Elderflower
  • Quarter: 2019 Q4
  • Start Monday 23 Sep, 2pm UK
  • Finish Friday 4 Oct, 12pm UK

Sprint Capacity

Team AvailabilitySchedule | Calendar

Notes / Exceptions: NA

Lead Roles:

QA Environment: folio-testing


 Sprint Planning Agenda
  1. Sprint Goal / Focus
  2. Sprint Capacity
  3. Review sprint candidates 
  4. Agree technical approach / define key implementation tasks
  5. Finalise estimates / costings
  6. Confirm sprint scope
  7. Confirm first actions

Sprint Planning  

(error) - not in sprint

(tick) or @ - in sprint 


Brought Forward (from previous sprint)

Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions

UXPROD-585 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-396 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Add/rename endpoints to "current" / "future"/"dropped" / "all" (backend - steve.osguthorpe )
  • Front-end design/integration + tests
  • Owen Stephens to add custom package test data to Jira issue to use for integration tests

UXPROD-585 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-394 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • uses "current" endpoint being implemented as part  of ERM-396
  • original path shows 'all' resources - just need to show 'current'

UXPROD-585 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-392 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Count not incrementing for ERM-404 & ERM-407.

Not holding anything else up

Not as high priority as UXPROD-1467 tasks

UXPROD-585 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-393 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Counts not incrementing

Not as high priority as UXPROD-1467 tasks

ERM-270 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related to but not blocked by forthcoming release of  STCOM-567 - Getting issue details... STATUS .


UXPROD-1755 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-356 - Getting issue details... STATUS  /  ERM-361 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Nearly done. TODO: 

  • Finish templating for the terms

Should be less than 1hr work

ERM-462 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Requires UI for  ERM-394 - Getting issue details... STATUS  in order to QA.

Fixed: PR pending. 

ERM-464 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Ready for QA, once re-deploy complete.

Sprint Focus

Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions

UXPROD-1932 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-456 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Front-end only.

UXPROD-1932 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-457 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Back-end only. Will deliver as part of backend updates for ERM-394 and ERM-396. 

UXPROD-1467 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-466 - Getting issue details... STATUS

BE: 1d FE: 3d

UXPROD-1467 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-467 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Requires  ERM-466 - Getting issue details... STATUS  back-end model, which will include calculated/derived dates. 

  • All periods provided as list
  • Current period to be provided on own

Incorporate as part of ERM-466

UXPROD-1467 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-468 - Getting issue details... STATUS

md331 (Deactivated)

Requires  ERM-466 - Getting issue details... STATUS  back-end model

Incorporate as part of ERM-466

UXPROD-1469 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-465 - Getting issue details... STATUS

BE: 1h FE: 3d

Wireframes not necessary in this case. 

Out of scope: configuration of closure reasons


  • Store closure reasons in tenant initialisation file
  • Migrate Cancelled status to Closed status
  • New 'Reason for closure' property
  • UI + tests

Carried Forward (to future sprint)

Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions

UXPROD-1467 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-459 - Getting issue details... STATUS

(error) To Sprint 74

UXPROD-1467 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-460 - Getting issue details... STATUS

(error) To Sprint 74