Import package via UI



Value for user:
Libraries will sometimes have subscriptions to packages of resources which are not (accurately) described in external knowledgebases, or only described in knowledgebases that do not support machine-to-machine interfaces. In order that such resources can still be represented in Folio, users will want to import files describing the packages (and the resources contained in the package) to create a package/list of resources in Agreements/E-resources


  • A library has obtained a description of a package they have subscribed to from a publisher and wishes to load it into Folio

  • A library uses a knowledgebase (e.g. currently SFX) that has no API for bringing resources into Folio. Instead the library wishes to export the package descriptions from SFX and import into Folio

Roles and restrictions:

  • Permission to upload packages should be separate to the permission to editing agreements

Workflow / UI expectations:

  • From Local KB Admin app an option to add data to the knowledgebase should be visible to authorised users by Create New Job and then uploading a file

  • User should see screen where they can see past jobs (and access the logs for past jobs) and start new jobs

  • When a user creates a new job, the user can choose to upload a file

  • Once as user has uploaded a file it should start to be processed (i.e. data read and added to folio as appropriate)

  • The progress of the file processing (job status) should be available to the user from this screen

  • The user should be able to navigate away from the screen without affecting the processing of the file

  • A user can upload one file at a time

    • multiple files can be queued ready for processing,

    • but only one file should be processed at a time (in order to ensure that any data creation tasks do not clash - e.g. creation of new title)

  • If there are errors during the processing that stop specific data being added to Folio, these errors should be made available to users in a report on the processing job. The report should include:

    • A way of identifying record that had problem (e.g. sequential number from file)

    • Information about the record that failed to load

    • Error message/details

Business rules & constraints:


  • 28 Aug 2019, 04:38 PM
100% Done



TestRail: Results



Jag Goraya September 16, 2019 at 9:33 AM

Released with Daisy (3.2)

Gill Osguthorpe August 28, 2019 at 4:38 PM

QA: unable to test as there is no "New" button showing:

md331 June 12, 2019 at 11:37 AM

From E-resources tab option to add data to the knowledgebase should be visible to authorised users

I believe we're removing that tab in ERM-237?

(This feels like something we could put in the Settings)

Jag Goraya June 10, 2019 at 9:13 AM

Hi - have you had a chance to find any more out on this please?TIA

md331 May 23, 2019 at 1:13 PM

, we need to know how new file formats and the new processing required to handle those file formats is added.

  • Do we need to define a particular file extension type?

  • Where is the file processing done? Which module?

  • If the file processing is done outside of mod-agreements, how do we get the results from the file processing into mod-agreements?

That's a first cut at unknowns. and probably have more thoughts. But once we know how functionality is structured and how new functionality is added, then we can think more about who would be doing it and how long it would take, and whether it'd be worth it.







Development Team


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 3, 2019 at 9:32 AM
Updated September 23, 2019 at 9:59 AM
Resolved September 16, 2019 at 9:33 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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