Support Organizations app as source of Organizations in Licenses
hideTestRail: Results
md331 May 3, 2019 at 6:47 PM
Created May 3, 2019 at 10:15 AM
Updated May 20, 2019 at 12:47 PM
Resolved May 20, 2019 at 12:47 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Value for user:
To avoid managing lists of organisations in two or more places, a user can use Organizations that are managed via the Organizations app when Adding an Organization to a License
Roles and restrictions:
As existing 'add organization' function in licenses app
Workflow / UI expectations:
From existing option to "Add organization" {{ License (edit) -> License information -> Organizations}}, when Organizations app is installed, when the user adds an organization, they can search through Organizations in the Organizations app and select the one they wish to be able to add
The Organization lookup will be done using ui-plugin-find-organizations
Organization will display in {{ License (preview) -> Organizations }}
Where an Organization has been added from the Organization app, the name of the Organization will link to the display of the Organization in the Organization app
See for indicative wireframes, but note that these wireframes are based on a conversion to using Cards to displaying organisations, which is not required to complete this story (ERM-219)
Business rules & constraints:
No additional business rules and constraints beyond the current funtionality to add organizations to licenses