2022-02-10 Product Council Meeting notes/SIG Conveners Meeting
Aaron Trehub, Alexis Manheim, Angela Zoss (Old), Anya, Axel Dörrer, Brooks Travis, Charlotte Whitt, Christopher Spalding, Dung-Lan Chen, Felix Hemme, Gang Zhou, Hkaplanian, Ian Hardy, Ingolf Kuss, Jana Freytag, Jesse Koennecke, John Ballestro, Karen Newbery, Kristin Martin, Martina Schildt, Martina Tumulla, Maura Byrne, Owen Stephens, Paul Moeller, Raegan Wiechert, Sharon Wiles-Young, twliu, Tod Olson
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Announcements | All |
Data Sync Working Group update (link to slides) | Martina Schildt | Questions being asked of subject matter experts in SIGs:
Feedback is sought before next Friday before the working group ends data gathering and starts making decisions. The working group has had extensive discussions about the conflicts between how much the modules should know about each other. This is particularly important for the "block-on-deletion" use case. When this kind of check is put in place, it has caused performance problems (as noted in circulation). There isn't a general solution in FOLIO right now for this use case. When this has to happen, two modules become more integrated than what might otherwise be intended or desired. (This is being hard-coded now, as in the Users app check.) Are there examples of where instant updates are required? This is a big part of the information gathering process—what is the maximum tolerable time for some use cases. In some cases, modules are looking up information directly from other modules. For the block-on-delete, the leading contender for a solution is a "soft delete"—the underlying data has not been removed from the system but it isn't visible to the user. It implies that it can be "un-soft-deleted"; there is a process that runs periodically that checks to make sure all of the dependencies have been fulfilled before actually deleting a record. An exceptions report is available. | |
SIG Updates | See reports below Data Migration will have a new convener, Darsi Rueda. It may make a proposal to Product Council to become its own SIG. | ||
Topics for future meetings |
SIG Updates
ERM (Martina Tumulla & Martina Schildt)
- Annika presented on eUsage reports functionality in the Agreements App.
- The ERM SIG started to discuss acceptable delays for data to be in sync across apps after the presentation from the data sync working group.
User Management (Maura Byrne)
- SIG has concentrated on two specific functions.
Resource Access (Jana Freytag)
- fee/fines:
- Data corruption. When holdings/item data are moved in Inventory, then the connected Fee/Fine is not updated accordingly Discuss: - UIU-2082Getting issue details... STATUS .
- Resolve issues encountered by having one place process material requests for two Service Points Discuss:
UXPROD-3494Getting issue details...
- German Reminder Fees: Feedback on Mock-ups: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xH9O5ytkd21eApuJTSiVmCrLotXekMQL3Nzk5BjpmvA/edit?usp=sharing
- Dashboard: Presentation of the Dashboard functionality including finding new use cases
- Reporting cross over Meeting (now monthly)
- Data Sync Working Group: Discussion on the use cases and the acceptable delay in data sync
Reporting (Angela Zoss)
- Did some new year planning toward the end of January. Goals for 2022 include:
- Support transition from LDP to Metadb
- Developing training/onboarding for new SIG members/report users
- Develop a FOLIO Reporting Vision and Strategy
- Improve communication between SIG and developers of apps so we hear about data model changes in advance
- Development teams are working toward a new release of our query repository to align with Lotus. We are prioritizing updates of our LDP derived table queries so that they will work Metadb.
- In the SIG meeting, we are building/delivering training related to important reporting topics. In December and January we covered some intro to SQL topics. This month, we have switched over to talking about Git and GitHub.
- Now that we have both European and West coast US members of our SIG, we will be reviewing our SIG meeting time to try to better accommodate all time zones. We will likely propose an alternating schedule week to week.
- The LDP app has been approved by Technical Council for Lotus.
- With the introduction of Metadb, there isn’t a plan to rename the app in FOLIO. No formal release for Metadb yet; it is live for ReShare customers. UChicago is starting to test it with its FOLIO implementation.
Metadata Management (Felix Hemme, Raegan Wiechert)
- Presentation on new MARC Authorities App
- Presentation on multiple graphical representations (i.e. non-Latin scripts) display in Inventory and current workarounds
- Missouri State, Chicago, and Cornell shared about migration experiences, especially challenges and advice for those who have not migrated yet
- Questions surrounding how prioritization is done now that the functionality common to almost all libraries is nearing completion
Consortia (Noah Brubaker)
- The consortia SIG has met with Dennis Bridges and Dung-Lan Chen to discuss consortia functionality related to acquisitions. We anticipate that there will be additional collaboration in the future.
- The consortia SIG will continue to reach out to other SIGs going forward to create more dialogue between our SIGs
- We are continuing to refine functionality we would like to see in a Consortium Admin Tool
Accessibility – dormant at this time
SysOps (Ingolf Kuss)
What we want to achieve this year:
- Simplicity in Deployment
- How to get SysOps concerns addressed that have been around for last 4 years :
- make it easier to spin up "minimal" FOLIO
- make it easier to build apps for FOLIO, easier to select what to deploy
- Security needs to align, as well as privacy - look at as a whole, not an afterthought
Experiences with production environments :
- Migration went well (one weekend)
- No outages so far (fantastic!), but some performance issues
- Issues with Elasticsearch
- Checkin/out, circulation tasks were slow
Implementers (Ian Walls)
- Looking at helping with onboarding documentation; working on wiki cleanup
- Scheduled session (Feb 15) to discuss what’s new in Kiwi
- After that session, plan to do testing together of workflows that may have changed from Juniper to Kiwi
- Interested in getting into the testing process of Lotus earlier on, using some of the group’s synchronous time
Support (Anya Arnold and Debra Howell)
Folio implemented libraries are finding many bugs that result in hotfixes - so far Kiwi will have 2 hotfixes. Juniper currently has 6.
App Interaction (Martina Schildt)
- The AI SIG continued to discuss the change log in orders, requirements and steps forward
- Members of the Privacy SIG presented a form, where information that will be collected by an app needs to be declared (declaration form)
- The SIG walked through creating a request on items on order
- Next meeting: Looking at newly collected Dashboard use cases
Acquisitions (Martina Schildt)
- Due to schedule conflicts the Friday meetings will be shifted from currently 2/18, 3/4, …, 2/25, 3/11, …
- Edifact Order export UAT took place
- Part II of the testing will be about flagging orders for export and creating the Edifact files
- ACQ SIG discussed/reviewed
Data sync questions re: the acceptable delay for data to be in sync across apps - answer will be provided via this form by February 18th
Meeting Chat log
09:39:00 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
Yes, TCR-10 (mod-lip) and TCR-11 (ui-ldp) is approved by the Technical Council
09:39:11 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
09:44:22 From Anya to Everyone:
Have to step away for a second
09:46:49 From Brooks Travis (he/him) to Everyone:
Not to be confused with mod-pubsub
09:46:56 From Anya to Everyone:
09:49:57 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
Yes, Block on deletion - is one area
09:50:18 From Jana Freytag to Everyone:
Very important for circ!
09:50:34 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
And similar Block on ’move of holdings/item’ - is another area, also not addressed
09:50:52 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
This gets more and more critical for the implementing libraries
09:51:06 From Ian Walls to Everyone:
attempting to replace an integrated library system with a disintegrated one is certainly tricky
09:51:47 From Brooks Travis (he/him) to Everyone:
I would call it a different model of integration
09:53:15 From Tod Olson to Everyone:
Can the link to the slides be shared?
09:53:35 From Martina Schildt to Everyone:
09:54:28 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
Yes - hardcoding the check is always possible where it’s necessary - which essentially ends up with a much tighter integration between the modules in question
09:55:02 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
And that’s where questions like “have we got the right boundary between modules” comes up
09:55:30 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
We have a similar hardcoded check between Agreements and Licenses - so it’s not just users etc.
09:58:19 From Raegan Wiechert to Everyone:
10:00:29 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
That’s exactly what we’re trying to get to with the questions we’re currently asking the SIGS
10:01:46 From Maura Byrne to Everyone:
10:01:56 From Raegan Wiechert to Everyone:
10:03:25 From Maura Byrne to Everyone:
10:04:54 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
Sorry - my laptop just died in the middle of a sentence
10:06:29 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
Good question Peter
10:07:13 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
In Inventory we have a feature for ’Marked for deletion'
10:07:51 From Brooks Travis (he/him) to Everyone:
Do we do garbage collection or automated reference counting, to borrow from the coding world
10:08:42 From Tod Olson to Everyone:
What Owen, Harry, and Brooks are saying about soft delete is what I had in mind: mark a record as "deleted" but it is still there and does not leave dangling references and the system can do various things to come to consistency.
10:09:44 From Harry to Everyone:
+1 Tod
10:11:28 From Brooks Travis (he/him) to Everyone:
I think we’ll come to that when we circle back to the block on delete question
10:32:35 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
Thanks for that update Tod
10:36:18 From Owen Stephens to Everyone:
Thank you all
10:42:27 From Brooks Travis (he/him) to Everyone:
I think it’s been there, but now it’s required
10:42:40 From Steph Buck to Everyone:
+1 Brooks - called RCA
10:44:35 From Brooks Travis (he/him) to Everyone:
I think the RCA requirement is a QA initiative, but my recollection could be off slightly.
10:44:58 From Peter Murray to Everyone:
Thanks, Brooks!
10:49:13 From Tod Olson to Everyone:
Darsi Rueda will convene Data Migration.
10:49:26 From Tod Olson to Everyone:
Darsi from Stanford.