2022-05-26 Product Council Meeting notes

2022-05-26 Product Council Meeting notes


No synchronous meeting due to holiday. Council updates are below.

Discussion items


Council Updates:

Community Council

Technical Council

Product Owners

Capacity Planning updates

Community Council

Technical Council

Technical reviews:

ui-bulk-edit pilot project approved. Related discussion about  end-to-end tests and whether the criteria are clear.

No update on translation app. Delayed in part due to clarify/formalize the back-end translation process.

Subgroup activity:

New Module Technical Evaluation: have drawn up list of approved technologies and otherwise made proposed changes to the acceptance language, receiving feedback from within TC.

Technical Evaluation (decision making): Piloting a draft RFC process with an RFC for localizing API (back-end) messages.

TC Goals & Objectives: Continuing to focus on technical pain points as seen from developer and operations perspectives. Plan is to look for underlying causes, propose ways to address, and prioritize.

Translation subgroup: no update.

Controlling AWS Hosting Costs: The subgroup plans to document account ownership, lifecycle, and tagging practices to better track the expenses. Suggestion to add it to the TC agenda as a 2-minute line item to flag any cost overruns, trends in increases, and plan to remediate the cost increases.

Technical Documentation / New Developer Onboarding: FOLIO - Developer Onboarding Index is under review.


Decision Log (ADRs): Architectural decisions in FOLIO are often hard to find, buried in meeting notes or some other history, and often the context of the decision has been lost. Have begun creating ADRs for architectural decisions, which are collected in an Decision Records. We will also go back retroactively to record old decisions where we think it important. This will give an on-going record of architectural decisions that have been made, including their context and the history of what decisions have been superseded. When an ADR is related to an RFC, it will link to the RFC. RFC is the process, ADR is the result.

Tool/Dependency Versions: One form of technical debt is around software and tooling that we relay on and a need to move to more recent versions, whether to use desired new features, or even keep on a supported version. E.g., FOLIO is currently on Java 11 and it would be prudent to move Java 17 (the most recent LTS version) at some point. Keeping our tooling current is important, but also takes effort. How does the project make these decisions? Will likely spin up a subgroup for this topic.

Elections: as of May 21, there are only 4 nominations for 6 open TC seats.

Product Owners

  • Teams are wrapping up Morning Glory new development. June 3rd for platform-core and June 10 for platform-complete. 
  • Several POs met with Anton and Oleksii P. to discuss Morning Glory Bugfest environment setup including data. Additional meeting scheduled.
  • Discussed UX patterns used in Acquisitions apps and recent stripes UX patterns to the results list. 
  • Oleksii P. presented manual QA sprint testing rollout to improve quality.

Capacity Planning updates

Action items
