2022-01-27 Product Council Meeting notes




Discussion items

5 minAnnouncements
  • GBV: TUB Hamburg live with FOLIO-ERM since Jan. 18, 2021 (one or two others will follow shortly)Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 
  • EBSCO: Massey University is live on FOLIO ā€” the first library in New Zealand

  • We may need another sprint cycle (or two) to complete the feature development for Lotus.Ā  There will be more discussion at the capacity planning team meeting on Monday.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 
10 min

Long Term Release recommendationsĀ 

Goal: decision on whether to endorse

Ā Kristin MartinĀ 

LTR document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Un5OlutEh7M2p3AzxE8g20NmdeEhrC0KCNkfd_QLkRw/edit

FOLIO is not ready for a long-term release point because libraries are actively installing each new release to get needed functionality.Ā  The recommendation of the task group was to revisit the decision at the end of calendar 2022.Ā  The document linked above contains recommendations for PC to endorse regarding back-porting of functional and security fixes until a long-term release is established.

No objections from Product Council on adopting these recommendations.

5 minRoadmap next steps, takeaways from Community Council discussionJesse KoenneckeĀ 

Current FOLIO High-level Roadmap document.

Community Council reviewed this direction and approved. There is a need for something shorter that is useful for publicizing to groups that are not intimately familiar with the development process, and Mike Gorrell put something together based on Jesse's high-level view.Ā 

Jesse is looking to get the roadmap group back together to create a wiki page that links to the high-level roadmap and bring definition to the process.Ā  Then take this roadmap work to the SIGs and Product Owners to see if this is useful and that the content matches expectations/current-work. Also get input from the Technical Council on some of the non-functional aspects of the Roadmap.

Finally, the group might look to see if there is an economical and more functional way of keeping this information as compared to Google Sheets.

20 min

Community Council, Technical Council, Capacity Planning, Product Owners updates

Community Council:

  • Last update to PC was Dec. 02, 2021 - this update summarizes the CC meetings Dec. 13, 2021; Jan. 10 + 24, 2022
  • Update from the OLF + OLF Board: OLF Board seeks new OLF community board memberĀ  - nominations open until Jan 30, 2022
  • CC retrospective discussion: reflection on last years work (what was good / what do we want to improve?)
    • Fiscal overview for 2022 was presented by the FOLIO treasurer
  • Communications Strategies Working Group:
      • FOLIO Webside Update: Mike G. introduced a concept ā€“ participation is welcomed
      • New content needs to be written as well
  • CC is working on a calender to ensure, that necessary tasks and duties are followed up and done
  • Membership drive
    • Action item 1: Letter to members, new leaders, interested parties
    • Action item 2: Review MoU
    • Action item 3: Setup framework for participation: Find more engaged community members as PO, developers, convener, etc.
  • Community Update Meeting Feb., 11, 2022
  • Community Council Meetings are in general open to participants!Ā 

Technical Council:

  • Review requests: ongoing. Approved mod-inventory-update, a sort of back-end update assistant. Re-evaluation of mod-ldp and ui-ldp are under way. Looking for review teams for three other modules: ui-bulk-edit, ui-marc-authorities, & Translation App.
    • Recommendation to include criteria around architectural fit, duplicating functions
    • Finding reviewers is not always easy, modules may require reviewers with specific skills/knowledge
    • Translation App has significant implications for our approach to translations, may be a larger review/conversation.
  • Hosted AWS environments. Costs have increased over the last year, TC has been asked to review and make recommendations for changes. Will organize a group of people much closer to operations to advise.
  • Council Goals/Objectives: Reviewing FOLIO Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives for TC responsibilities. Drafting our own objectives/initiatives document and setting some goals. Expect to have something to report out for quarterly Community Update.
  • Technical Decision Process: Main issue is how to make technical decisions without making TC a bottleneck: which decisions need to be elevated to TC, and can be made elsewhere and by whom? Has been slow to make progress, forming a subgroup to focus on this.
  • Governance issues: working through expectations for participation, how to allocate work if there are no volunteers/need to spread work around, processes for creating subgroups. The current load is driving basic questions of how we work.Ā 
  • Discussion: when reviewing modules, is targeting a release the right way to think of it?Ā  PC also has a to-do item to develop criteria and support for new modules being proposed.

Capacity Planning:

  • Has not been meeting regularly since the December holidays.Ā  It met this week to review Jira issues surrounding the next release.Ā  No decision yet, but as was pointed out earlier, there may be a decision on Monday to extend the Lotus feature freeze deadline by one sprint.

Product Owners:

  • Lotus release: POs are working hard to wrap up this release. There are several features at risk for the release and we are addressing these risks.Ā 
  • Team discussed how to incorporate User Acceptance Testing (UAT) earlier in the release cycle.Ā 
  • User Acceptance Testing is in progress or complete for > Title Level Requests, Export orders in EDIFACT format, and Authority control. Bulk-edit proof-of-concept UAT may get started soon.
  • Morning Glory: POs are beginning to plan for this releaseĀ 
  • Team met with Anya to discuss Support SIG and how POs can assist them. One action item: Ask FOLIO Implementers and SIGs to attend Support SIG to help review issues.Ā 

Is it time to rethink the purpose of "Bugfest"ā€”searching for bugs rather than testing implementation?

45 min


Authority Control

  • Demo of new functionality

Discussion goals:

  • Informational to learn about new features of authority control
  • When does the PC need to learn about major development in functionality

5 minAgenda planning for the futureall

Saved Chat

09:32:15 From Ā Anya Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  Massey University is live on FOLIO First library in New Zealand
09:32:48 From Ā Tod Olson Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  congrats on the new implementations!
09:33:10 From Ā Gang Zhou(Shanghai library) Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  congratsļ¼
09:34:00 From Ā Jana Freytag Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  ļæ½
09:39:39 From Ā Jesse Koennecke (he/him) Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  Roadmap: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e0ydj6vcjKNGFBdit0X4FioLmV9z6XgubOfwN2h_ZfE/edit?usp=sharing
09:56:48 From Ā Mike Gorrell Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  Have to drop - see you all later!
09:57:00 From Ā Kristin Martin Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  Thank you!
09:59:09 From Ā Kirstin Kemner-Heek Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  I need to leave for another meeting. Bye.
10:05:45 From Ā Kristin Martin Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  Here's the Mod-OA jira project
10:06:21 From Ā Owen Stephens Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  Absolutely
10:06:46 From Ā Kristin Martin Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  https://folio-org.atlassian.net/projects/TCR/issues/TCR-6?filter=allopenissues
10:07:02 From Ā Kristin Martin Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  Sorry, https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/TCR-6
10:10:18 From Ā Charlotte Whitt Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/TCR-10
10:10:22 From Ā Charlotte Whitt Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/TCR-11
10:13:53 From Ā Tod Olson Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  New Modules Evaluations are here:
10:13:54 From Ā Tod Olson Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TC/New+Module+Technical+Evaluations
10:14:20 From Ā Tod Olson Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  And points to this document in GitHub, the Submissions section outlines expected timeframe:
10:14:28 From Ā Tod Olson Ā to Ā Everyone:
Ā  Ā  https://github.com/folio-org/tech-council/blob/master/NEW_MODULE_TECH_EVAL.MD