2022-04-07 Product Council/SIG Updates Meeting notes

2022-04-07 Product Council/SIG Updates Meeting notes



Discussion items

5 min


Reminder: No PC Meeting April 14 or April 21

Kristin Martin 

There may be a delay of the Asia-Pacific WOLFcon conference (on-site meeting) in Shanghai due to the pandemic.

 15 min

WOLFCon updates and discussion

There is a slack channel, #folio-wolfcon-planning-group, that has been coordinating the planning.  The group put together a sample session listing for the registration packet and have been refining the spreadsheet of sessions.  The planning group has been trying to balance the needs of those that are very familiar with FOLIO with those that are coming to learn more about FOLIO.  Next steps are to try to plan for session attendance to get meetings into the right rooms.  Also keeping in mind that this is an opportunity for face-to-face meetings between SIGs and across roles in the project. What can the planning group do to make this the most effective meeting possible?  How can we use the conference to the greatest advantage?  We are reaching to the point of having people commit to planning and convening sessions at WOLFcon is important.

This is the first year under the new governance structure; what are we doing well and what can be improved?  To look at ourselves and how we are operating as a project.  There are also important parts of the project that need to be aligned.  Note that the all-participant hall is booked for the entire conference, so what needs to be planned is the smaller-than-everyone group sessions.  Also keep in mind that the OLF projects are coming together and that this is a good time for cross-project activity as well.

60 minSIG Updates (see below)All

Noting that we have stopped doing sprint reviews.  Would having issues like the permissions problem come up during a Sprint Review helped surface the problem before it got to bugfest?  What channels should this be raised?  Sometimes these things slip through.  There is a lot of work happening at the developer and product owner level to make sure this doesn't happen.

Metadata Management SIG is looking for a temporary convener from mid-May to mid-July; contact Raegan Wiechert to volunteer or for more information.

The Support SIG is also looking for new people to join to help triage the bug reports that come in from the implemented libraries.

5 minTopics for future meetingsAll

SIG Convener Updates

User Management (Maura Byrne)

  • Lotus has introduced some changes to permissions in order to be more granular with permissions assignment.  They boil down to this, for the everyday user:
    • There are separate API permissions for assigning “mutable” (called “Permission sets” in the UI) and “immutable” (called “Permissions” in the UI).
    • A user who can assign permissions to another user can’t assign permissions they don’t themselves possess.
    • We also discussed an “Unassign all permissions” button, and how that should be developed.
  • We also revisited an old point where setting up users in the UI has required fields that aren’t required in the backend.  Specifically, “email address” is required in the UI.  If a user doesn’t have an email address, or prefers to be notified by other means, an email address needs to be part of the record.  It’s possible to load users with no email address using the API, and the user record will work, but it won’t be possible to update that user record in the UI without adding an email address.  We’re discussing how we want to address that issue.

Resource Access (Jana Freytag)

  • Permissions Management Improvements for Morning Glory ( UXPROD-3614 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) with Erin and Patty
    • including:  If you had the ability to assign permissions, you could assign any permission in the FOLIO system to that person, and that includes permissions on the system side that could allow people to stop and start FOLIO modules and install their own FOLIO modules.
  • Open Discussion Rounds included:
    • Call numbers
    • item look up
    • Calendar update
    • CIRC-1499 - Getting issue details... STATUS - when a fixed due date falls on an exception (closed) the due date assigned is the previous open day
    • Documentation wg update

Reporting (Angela Zoss)

  • Trying a new SIG meeting schedule: 2nd and 4th Mondays at 10am Eastern, 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 2pm Eastern. Still in the early days of the new schedule, but the new time has opened up access to new people.
  • FOLIO Analytics repository is on feature freeze awaiting the next release on April 18. Many LDP queries have now been translated so they will also work on Metadb.
  • SIG will continue making progress on the major efforts: query development, training in query development, feedback on LDP app, and documentation.

Metadata Management (Felix Hemme (regrets), Raegan Wiechert)

  • Update on work being done for bound-withs (UXPROD-3080)
  • Updates on Inventory UI for searching
  • Demonstration of a process to automatically add and remove OCLC holdings
  • Need to find an interim co-convener over the summer
  • Looking for PC liaison as well - Sharon Wiles-Young volunteers!

SysOps (Ingolf Kuss)

  • We discussed upgrade procedures from Juniper to Kiwi and difficulties encountered there. A procedure to clean up old Okapi discovery entries has been shared.
  • Progress has been made in updating the FOLIO install guide for the Kubernetes-Rancher install in Juniper.
  • A procedure has been described to dump all module data and restore it to another FOLIO environment. E.g. to set up a test environment with the current production tenant data.
  • In one session, talking about transaction control, it was mentioned that FOLIO would benefit from a common workflow engine.
  • Session on LDP / Metadb installation with members of Reporting SIG anticipated

Implementers (Ian Walls)

Still working on scheduling Circ Rules Showcase and How to Plan your Data Migration sessions.  People are busy!

Support (Anya Arnold and Debra Howell)

Acquisitions (Dung-Lan Chen)

  • Julie Bickle of LMU who is also PO of Patron Notices and Staff Slips did demo of how to generate staff slips and discuss the different types of staff slips such as transit slip, hold slip, request delivery slip and pick slip, etc.  The came about in responding to a question posted on ACQ SIG slack channel that was somewhat related to “a printable workslip” that the group discussed last fall.  We found demos such as what Julie did about staff slips are informative and helpful in learning functions available in FOLIO that can be inter-related or applicable among different apps.   We want to thank Kristin Martin who graciously continues to convey to the group about PC updates in the bi-weekly Friday meetings!!
  • Called for volunteers to form a working group to identify a list of short tutorial videos of key acquisitions related functions.  We have eight people signed up for the video working group so far.  Dennis was planning on starting a private slack channel for the working group to schedule meeting time and get the ball rolling soon 
  • Focus of SIG discussions since the last update a month ago has been on export fund, budget and invoicing information. 
  • Devoted one meeting focusing on answering issues/questions raised by libraries who moved to Kiwi release recently and address concerns brought forward by institutions who will be migrating to Kiwi soon.  It was a helpful session to clear up some confusion regarding new features in Kiwi even though most of such had previously mentioned/discussed in meetings a few months ago.
  • Implementers Topics list continues to grow and discussions continue to happen in ACQ SIG Friday meetings

ERM (Martina Tumulla & Martina Schildt)

  • The ERM SIG discussed searching in Agreements and the use cases collected referring to what is needed to support searches in Agreements.

Open Access (Björn Muschall) - not present today

  • OA request app now supports a first version of OA charge / invoice integration (not released yet):
    • workflow for linking existing invoice/invoice lines
    • workflow for creating invoice/invoice line from OA app directly, incl. Linking
  • Together with Dennis we discussed 
    • the possibility of allowing the OA request app to make encumbrances without using Orders
    • the possibility to link OA requests / charges from invoice lines
  • Further requirements specification of criteria and actions list (task list for tracking work and outcomes)
  • OA supplementary properties now available in Agreements app (not released yet)

Chat log

00:06:55	Peter Murray:	Fresh out of the laundry.
00:07:13	Jana Freytag:	This looks great Peter. Are you happy with the quality?
00:07:28	Peter Murray:	Yes!  Nicely soft fabric.
00:07:59	Jana Freytag:	Perfect, thanks for testing 🐺
00:08:31	Peter Murray:	You're welcome!  The test of the U.S.-based store was successful.
00:08:41	Jana Freytag:	🎉
00:25:05	Peter Murray:	With all of the installations, it is a good time to celebrate, too!
00:25:22	Maura Byrne:	+1 Peter
00:25:34	Jana Freytag:	🎉
00:25:50	Kirstin Kemner-Heek:	+1 Peter.
00:27:38	Index Data:	+ 1 Peter
00:38:24	Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her):	folio-wolfcon-planning-group
00:39:39	Karen Newbery:	You're so well trained.
00:39:48	Jana Freytag:	😹
00:45:34	Owen Stephens:	These changes to permissions seem to come as a surprise to POs and users. What needs to change to prevent this sort of surprise in the future?
00:45:35	Index Data:	Maura, do you have a jira ticket written up for the API to honor the required data elements in user?
00:45:48	Angela Zoss:	+1 Owen
00:45:59	Index Data:	Or would you like me to add it (in Draft mode)?
00:46:35	Angela Zoss:	I know this is about logic/functionality changes, but with other changes like data model changes, release notes are too late for groups like reporting
00:46:37	Harry:	+1 Owen.  Tis was a breaking change
00:46:52	Brooks Travis:	This should have been brought to the SMEs when it was being discussed
00:47:03	Harry:	+10 Brooks
00:47:46	Angela Zoss:	again, though, sprint reviews only show things that have already been built, right? we need SMEs to be included in decision making
00:48:12	Jana Freytag:	+1 Angela
00:48:19	Brooks Travis:	Even if only as an FYI
00:48:34	Harry:	Sprint demos would not fix this.
00:48:38	Harry:	Planning fixes this
00:50:32	Maura Byrne:	+1 Brooks.
00:52:12	Tod Olson:	++ planning with an eye towards downstream effects
00:52:15	Angela Zoss:	agreed
00:54:57	Index Data:	+ 1 Owen. I don’t think even Patty (PO for Users) was involved
00:55:35	Anya:	She wasn’t
00:57:49	Maura Byrne:	Sorry to take up so much time.
00:58:11	Mike Gorrell:	I need to drop. See you in a few weeks.
01:06:29	Anya:	I might has someone - will be back
01:08:34	Owen Stephens:	Can you define “workflow engine” as this can mean very different things to different people
01:09:31	Tod Olson:	I think also the workflow engine conversation also came out of a demonstration from Stanford one their use of Apache Airflow (an ETL tool) for their data migration.
01:11:54	Kirstin Kemner-Heek:	I need to leave. Bye.
01:13:07	Harry:	+1 Owen
01:13:24	Ian Walls:	or at WolfCon!
01:14:52	Tod Olson:	And I need to drop off. Thank you all.
01:18:27	Owen Stephens:	I think these are new support teams not being so clear on the process
01:24:28	Charlotte Whitt:	There has been a discussion about the need of a migration script
01:28:09	Dung-Lan Chen:	+1 Kristin
01:28:43	Owen Stephens:	I would like to highlight the work we’ve done in the Open Access app to integrate with Invoices and we’re hoping we can go further and integrate with financial transactions in a fuller way in the future
01:31:13	Owen Stephens:	The OA / Invoice integration work is the sort of thing we might have demonstrated at a Sprint Review in the past ...
01:31:14	Owen Stephens:	!