2024-02-29 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

2024-02-29 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes


Feb 29, 2024


  • @Alexis Manheim@Charlotte Whitt @Owen Stephens @Martina Schildt @Gang Zhou @Paul Moeller @Jennifer Eustis @Brooks Travis @Jesse Koennecke @Martina Tumulla @Kirstin Kemner-Heek @Jana Freytag @Maura Byrne @Amanda Ros @Thomas Trutt @Ian Walls @Peter Murray @Jenn Colt

Note taker:

  • @Owen Stephens

 Discussion topics





Decisions and Actions





Decisions and Actions

5 min



Reminders regarding upcoming meetings: Product Council Topic Calendar 2024

Particularly note the PC meeting in the Asia Pacific timezone friendly slot on 21st March


45 min

Prioritization of issues and expectations of SIGs (continuation of Prioritization discussion from last week)

@Jesse Koennecke @Martina Schildt

From the 2/22/24 PC meeting notes: The group is test driving a new prioritization process in Acquisitions SIG. This is done through the management implementers' page.

The advantages and disadvantages of the process being tested were outlined and discussed. In particular advantages highlighted included:

  • Increased transparency in prioritisation process

  • Single system (Jira) used for prioritisation and eventual development tracking

  • Integration with SIG business and administration helping with SIG meeting hygiene (e.g. avoiding revisiting the same discussions multiple times)

Potential barriers and disadvantages discussed included:

  • Additional work to be done to write Jira and manage issues. This could be particularly challenging when a SIG is not very active or there are no assistant product owners or no SIG convener, or for SIGs that have many working groups or particularly wide-ranging responsibilities in terms of functionality

  • As it depends on personal voting in Jira it loses the “institutional” level view of priorities

  • Jira is not easy to use and so may be a barrier to getting tickets created to be prioritised

  • Without careful administration and management Jira could become populated with contradictory requests or duplicated requests for functionality


@Alexis Manheim to add to future topics lists for discussion in May

5 min

Future meeting topics




 Action items
