2024-01-25 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

2024-01-25 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes



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Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesDecisions and Actions
5 minAnnouncementsall

SIG Reports 2024-01-18

ARLEF is interested in doing a check in on Data Import to see what progress has been made. The tentative date of that meeting is 2/28/2024 at 3:00 pm EST. This came up in the ARLEF IT Directors meeting.

The Privacy SIG seems to be on hiatus. Ingolf will share documents with Kristin.

FYI, aiming for Asia Pacific friendly time zone meeting two weeks after quarterly SIG reports meetings

  • Alexis will create a bot that posts the meeting zoom link in the slack channel an hour before the meeting.
  • Ingolf will share roadmap documents with Kristin.
10 minDirect Consortia Borrowing Documentation walk-through

Tim shared documentation and demoed DCB. Irina Pokylets, the business analyst on the development team Volaris, and Steve Ellis is the engineer on the development team joined the meeting. Knowledge integration is in the DCB side and acts as a hub between all the systems in play including FOLIO systems. For further development, when the integration is done with FOLIO, there is more development to do in regard to DCB and DCB locate on the open RS side. Some of this work is contractual for Mobius and others aren't but concern consortia activities. This will not replace current In reach systems.

Documentation: The top level page is DCB Integration which is a top level decision log along with requirements and background on solutions. There is also an overview of the roles played by lending, borrowing and pick up libraries. The architecture is different from the In reach approach. What are the entities in this solution? There are DCB entities like item or patron. These could be called those virtual items or patrons. These are entities that will be removed at some point in the process with the understanding that the removal part in FOLIO doesn't exist right now. Personal identified information is protected. There is also a sequence diagram where you can see the state of the participating libraries at once.

There are also demos, DCB Demos that illustrate front end and back end functionality.

The DCB-related UI changes is valuable because it is a working page used by the development team to answer questions. This provides information on how decisions were made.

35 minDCB Integration discussion

See 2024-01-11 Product Council Meeting Agenda and Notes for 1/11 meeting notes and presentation link.


If there would be any problem running both DCB and In reach on the same system? This hasn't been tested yet but doesn't see any issues. This needs to be checked.

For libraries that don't use open RS and do DCB, what is the impact on these libraries? There shouldn't be any impact on libraries that don't use this functionality. For ECS, to circulate between the schools in the consortium, you need DCB. This is being evaluated. If you aren't using open RS and want to use DCB, could this be done? This is the intention DCB to help bring the gap between disparate ILS's or even those that run separate FOLIO instances. This is a way to continue resource sharing where circulation is front and center.

What is the distinction between DCB and open RS? DCB is needed condition for using open RS or for taking advantage consortium support. The idea is that DCB can be used to integrate with other systems for support such as Alma or OCLC WMS. Some consortia have suppliers in addition to libraries which requires a different approach. The goal is to integrate with other resource sharing systems as well and network to network open RS systems. Is DCB doing what open RS does? Open RS is the overall platform for resource sharing and includes DCB, document delivery, and are talking about CDL and ILL. DCB is a type of resource sharing or returnables. A consortium system would install open RS and any member/partner library would need DCB as a client to connect to it. DCB has a server/hub and FOLIO client component.

Some FOLIO libraries use ReShare and how will DCB impact this? One difference is that DCB integrates directly into the circulation system. Reshares uses NCIP. DCB will use NCIP for those systems with no native API. ReShare has its own client for users to manage their requests and DCB uses native circulation system. 

Would an ECS setup require an open RS? Yes. To be able to borrow and lend between libraries it requires open RS and DCB.

For the user interface, is there any place that this lives? Will there be an icon for DCB? No, there is nothing else. The design was intended to be streamlined. There are data elements for this. It follows a similar workflow to requesting. Request and loan statuses look different.

Will you be able to report on borrowing? Yes they are writing to the circulation log and will output a data stream to Panorama which is a EBSCO product. DCM tracks everything. DCB administration UI (and the hub) are external to FOLIO.

For this to work, the library's patron UI (OPAC/Discovery) would need to be pointed at open RS' union catalog rather than the library's FOLIO tenant's inventory data.

Some libraries are discussing ingesting the union catalog into their local catalog.

Are there any other features you want to talk about in the future? Yes. They will be introduction request balancing for Galileo. There is another development feature of lender of last resort, network to network, an on-site borrowing functionality, place request on items with holds.

If this is enabled, we are only looking to add additional modules and there are no new apps. These modules are:

  • edge-dcb
    Bridge the gap between DCB application and FOLIO. It is responsible for providing REST API for DCB via API key authorization.
  • mod-dcb
    Persist state of DCB transactions and coordination of internal calls inside FOLIO.
  • mod-circulation-item
    Create/Get/Update virtual item (CirculationItem).

Next steps: Treat this in a similar manner as mod batch print.

  • Call will be put out to vote. Let TC know where we stand with the outcome of the vote.
5 minFuture topics

Product Council Topic Calendar 2024
Review of Evaluation Process for New FOLIO Functionality on 2/1

Action items


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