Technical Designs and Decisions
Welcome to the Technical Designs and Decisions wiki. This space serves as a place to document feature level designs and decision logs. It has been partitioned into various domains, but the current model isn't set in stone. Please raise any issues, comments or suggestions with the Tech Leads Group.
One of the main drivers behind the creation of this space is the need to subscribe/watch the entire space, or particular parts of it without being spammed with notifications about changes you're not interested in. Hopefully this allows folks to only get the notifications they're interested in and increases awareness of new/updated designs documents and decisions. Of course, you can always elicit feedback from tech leads directly by posted in the #tech-leads slack channel if desired/needed.
Decision Making Process
The following process was agreed upon by the tech leads and is effective immediately.
- Teams document Technical Designs in this wiki space
- Teams record decisions in the Decision Log in this wiki space.
- Designs and decisions are reviewed each week by the Tech Leads.
- Tech leads should watch/subscribe to this wiki space and review others’ designs when possible.
- Incorporate consulting this wiki space during spikes/investigations.
- Teams are encouraged to elicit feedback on a design/decision via Slack.
For additional detail, see the presentation prepared for tech leads, and the corresponding meeting notes.
Recent space activity
Space contributors
- Alexander Kurash (2 days ago)
- Kalibek Turgumbayev (11 days ago)
- Raman Auramau (19 days ago)
- Anne Ekblad (59 days ago)
- Stephanie Buck (60 days ago)
- ...