Proposed - Requirements Analysis / Functional Matrix

Proposed - Requirements Analysis / Functional Matrix

Purpose:Works with Subject Matter Experts to gather use cases for the specification of a minimum set of functionalities that enable FOLIO to operate its daily business for all first mover libraries - FOLIO as a Minimum viable product (MVP)
Facilitator(s):D. Bonner, Charlotte Whitt
Expected Outcome(s):
  1. Review and rating of use cases. All use cases categorized with 1, will be part of MVP. Potentially adding and/or deleting use cases. 
  2. Further specification.
  3. The use cases support the UX/UI development.
Participants:functional_matrix_review@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org - SME’s from Duke, Cornell, Lehigh, Chicago, hbz, GBV, EBSCO and Index Data

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