Future Product Council Meeting Topics

Future Product Council Meeting Topics

Product Council Topic Calendar


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Discovery working group status

@Alexis Manheim

Transition to a SIG:

Jan 10, 2025

Feb 6, 2025

Open Access SIG visit to PC

@Alexis Manheim @Kristin Martin

@Martina Schildt

Schedule @Martin Bauschmann at a PC meeting to talk about being outside the flower release, funding, and prioritization

Jan 10, 2025


Document/clarify number of releases supported

@Charlotte Whitt

PC Supports long-term release and regular release recommendations

FOLIO Release Numbering Policy

Need wiki page that clarifies release support?

Nov 21, 2024


Proliferation of new apps

@Jeremy Huff @Alexis Manheim

As FOLIO develops more new apps will be added to the product. What are the implications for the UI, etc.? Is
UXPROD-1398: User PreferencesDraft an option to manage this? What else?

Oct 31, 2024


Recommend a process for vendor requests to integrate with FOLIO

@Kristin Martin @Alexis Manheim

Guidance is needed for library vendors that want to create integrations with FOLIO on how to approach and work with the larger FOLIO community on this development.

Jul 3, 2024


How to ensure SIGs feel they have a good sense of purpose

@Kristin Martin

As Folio becomes more mature, and particularly in areas where functionality is not under active development, it is important that SIGs adjust and are healthy and useful groups for the community. The PC could discuss how to help SIGs feel they are doing useful work, gathering examples of how different SIGs operate and share best practices

Jun 20, 2024


Scope of FOLIO in relation to reporting topic

@Kristin Martin

Reporting / lack of reporting / lack of clarity about reporting options is a topic that is raised regularly, and following a review of the 2023 “things that could be improved about Folio” survey outcomes, the PC felt there would be benefit in some PC discussion of how the options could be better communicated and the situation as regards “reporting” (which can be an ambiguous term with the grey areas of what is ‘in app’ reporting) could be better described for greater shared understanding across the community. @Jennifer Eustis will be taking conversation to Reporting SIG for further discussion and next steps. (Reporting SIG created What is FOLIO Reporting? in response. This page was announced to PC in early Sept. 2024)

Jun 20, 2024

Sept. 2024

Review of work: Mark for deletion (Set for Deletion) instances and underlying MARC

@Jennifer Eustis

New functionality for deleting instances and underlying MARC coming quickly: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/issues/UXPROD-4303?jql=text%20~%20%22mark%20for%20delete*%22. Some concerns around app interactions and dependencies (spreadsheet). Recommend MM SIG and App Interaction have conversations first, and bring to PC in case of need. A diagram showing dependencies would be helpful. (The Data Import working group created a spreadsheet of wanted enhanced functionality which was presented to the group. Work is ongoing on this issue.)

Apr 2, 2024 

Dec. 2024

BugFest testing review

@Martina Schildt

How can we keep people motivated and engaged to participate in BugFest? What roles for the community could we have to make BugFest successful?

Discuss this after Quesnalia BugFest is finished

Updated 6/18/2024: There is a survey on Bugfest currently out there. Would like to discuss results within PC.

Mar 19, 2024 

Name label changing impact and info dissemination

@Charlotte Whitt

@Jennifer Eustis

Label/name/data model changes (see below) in FOLIO have an impact on external systems. This information needs to be shared more widely. Discuss ways to do this.

Reporting SIG raised concerns about changes made to the FOLIO data model are not being well communicated and documented.

Impacts of New FOLIO Fields and Features on Reporting

Once the PC has some recommendations, share with Tod/TC for their input

Feb 20, 2024 

Privacy SIG roadmap

@Kristin Martin 

The Privacy SIG roadmap. The SIG currently has no convener and the previous convener believes the SIG model is not well suited to the multi-dimensional challenges of building privacy into the design of FOLIO.

This presents two questions:

(1) what to do about the Privacy SIG

(2) how to make progress on a privacy roadmap for FOLIO. 

Privacy SIG

Jan 30, 2024 

This will go to the Tri-Council

Onboarding with Implementers

@Kristin Martin

@Charlotte Whitt 

The now defunct Onboarding group asked the Implementers SIG at WOLFCon 2023 to take over some of what they started. Catch up with them on how it's going and the plan moving forward.

Nov 28, 2023 

For Tri-Council meeting, retrospective on Poppy release

@Martina Schildt 

The delay(s) in the Poppy release and a variety of other issues have been a challenge.

Nov 16, 2023 

Ongoing need for Product Owners and representation distribution

@Jesse Koennecke @Kristin Martin @Charlotte Whitt @Jennifer Eustis @Alexis Manheim 

FOLIO regularly needs POs. How can we help? What is the distribution of POs from vendors, libraries, etc.?

Oct 31, 2023 

What should be core vs. extended in re-architechted FOLIO?

@Charlotte Whitt @Martina Schildt 

The PC will be responsible for determining which apps are considered core vs. extended when the overall FOLIO architecture changes?

Oct 24, 2023 

Keep a list of existing apps and their state of maintenance, their status of integration (tight or just loosely), developer team, responsibility, connected MoU's about maintenance

From 2021-09-30 Product Council Meeting notes

The Product Owners have created a Team vs module responsibility matrix.  Harry is developing a simplified version on a single slide as well as a list of orphaned apps and modules.  Having a list of orphaned areas is useful for when an organization joins FOLIO and wants to work on something.  It is possible to have orphaned modules that don't in turn orphan an app (the single sign-on module is an example).  There is another category of apps for which a team performs periodic maintenance but there is no active development (updating dependencies, for instance).  An additional acceptance criteria for contributing code could be a memorandum-of-understanding to support the code for an explicit period of time.  What is the maintenance commitment for code contributed by established partners?

Oct 21, 2021 

Release planning

From @Martina Schildt

What is the release management planning/process. Talk to release manager regarding release process and where could improvements come in. This could be combined with report on BugFest. Invitation to Anton and

Oleksii Petrenko.

Community Council notes 2021-11-01

Nov 2, 2021 

Need full support for GDPR

from @Martina Schildt 

Have Privacy SIG report on GDPR needs and how that work can be slotted into FOLIO development - discussion postponed - check again on Feb 28, 2022 

Nov 11, 2021 

Managing upgrades so that implemented libraries to take advantage of new functionality

from @Kristin Martin 

  • Example: new connection between order lines and holdings records with Kiwi, but existing orders migrating over will not have this information populated. There should be a way to support existing data in FOLIO to take advantage of the new feature.

  • May be related to earlier issue of reference data getting overwritten when upgrading. Tech Council recommended a series of test scripts as part of definition of done. Maybe we need to also address assisting libraries who are upgrading.

  • There will be a conversation with the Acquisitions SIG - can also go to Implementer's SIG.

Mar 29, 2022 

FOLIO Technical Pain Points

from @Tod Olson 

Part of the TC Goals & Objectives process has been to identify technical pain points within FOLIO that impede development and operations. We plan to look at underlying causes, come to agreement on some remedies, and use this to inform our priorities. Like any form of technical debt, these will require resources to address, but will pay dividends if addressed well. 

See: FOLIO Technical Pain Points - DRAFT (in progress)

May 10, 2022 

UI Customization rather than Permissions

from 2022-05-12 Product Council Meeting notes

Start plan for when to do all of the planned Features for the customization of FOLIO.  There are a bunch of things that we want to bring to FOLIO put together in a plan as a theme in the Roadmap.

May 12, 2022 

Completed Topics


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Date placed
on PC agenda

Follow up on prioritization pilot process in Acq SIG

@Martina Schildt

First presented at 2/22 and 2/29/24 meetings. Acq SIG will evaluate after Quesnalia release and report back to the PC in May.

Feb 29, 2024 

Nov 7, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

Linked data app - formal review for approval in Ransoms

@Kristin Martin

Initial overview of linked data work was shared with the PC on 2024-04-04 Meeting notes. The team (Doug Lyons and Gloria Gonzales) intend to come back share alpha version of development work completed that should be included in Ransoms closer to the date (deadline for review currently Sept. 13. At this time we should also have more details on the roll out.

Apr 4, 2024 

Dec 12, 2024

Retrospective report on new CSP process


Oleksii Petrenko says this will happen in Nov or Dec after the Poppy release.

Sep 29, 2023 

Sep 19, 2024

Snapshot data refresh

@Alexis Manheim @Kristin Martin 

Current data in FOLIO Snapshot is not as useful as it could be. Is there a way to get a small, lightweight, and clean dataset into Snapshot that includes examples of data use cases that have been problematic in the past? What are the other parameters for this data? Can we task the SIGs with creating/providing this data? DevOps team is responsible for maintaining the Snapshot.

Oct 17, 2023 

Jun 20, 2024

PC on-boarding of Dev Advocate

@Owen Stephens

The new FOLIO Developer Advocate started this week. How should the PC engage with the position?

Apr 18, 2024 

May 16, 2024 

FOLIO Story paper

@Kristin Martin

@Mike Gorrell wants to come to discuss FOLIO Story and get any final feedback.

13 May 2024

May 23, 2024 

API knowledge sharing/refresher

@Kristin Martin

List is here: https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/
An overview of the APIs used in FOLIO and how they have been developed and evolved would be helpful to the members of the PC.

Feb 20, 2024 

Apr 4, 2024 

Challenges of integration of Folio with Discovery services 

@Kristin Martin 

Add to PC agenda in January and initiate discussion with Khaliliah and @Uwe Reh 

Dec 14, 2023 

Feb 15, 2024 

Mid year check in on priorities/goals

@Jennifer Eustis 

Review how things are going with the goals and priorities we set at WOLFCon 2023

Nov 28, 2023 

Feb 1, 2024 

Review of Evaluation Process for New FOLIO Functionality

@Alexis Manheim

@Kristin Martin 

The Evaluation Process for New FOLIO Functionality six month pilot period just ended and it's time for review. Need feedback from POs.

Draft version shared:

Jan 23, 2024 

Feb 8, 2024 

Feb 23, 2024 

Roadmap and Prioritization Working Group update

@Jesse Koennecke

Plans for a prioritization process based in the SIGs, etc.

Feb 1, 2024 

Feb 22, 2024 

Time Zone Inclusiveness

2023-09-20 Meeting notes Meeting Hygiene and Efficiency Subgroup

@Paul Moeller 

Follow up from WOLFCon what can the PC do this year discussions.
It seems we can find a time that works for US ET and Australia/China  (7:00 PM Boston, 8:00 AM Beijing, 9:00 AM Canberra) , or Berlin with China/Australia (2:00 PM Beijing, 4:00 PM Canberra, 8:00 AM Berlin) but finding one that will work for all would be problematic. The best is probably 7 AM Boston, 7 PM Beijing, 9 PM Canberra, 1 PM Berlin. It would be even earlier/later for some of us and other regions may join if we can find a suitable time. Should be consider alternating times once or twice a month? https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20230928&p1=43&p2=33&p3=57&p4=37

2023-12-20 PC Meeting Hygiene and Efficiency Agenda and Meeting Notes
@Paul Moeller will compile a list of A/P community members and contact them to solicit topics for quarterly meeting(s) and meeting dates.

Sep 25, 2023 

Dec 7, 2023 and/or Dec 14, 2023 We

will discuss this at the quarterly SIG Conveners meeting, but perhaps also at the 12/7 meeting when the Hygiene group gives their report?

(Direct Consortia Borrowing) DCB functionality in Quesnalia

@Brooks Travis @Steve Ellis @Tim Auger 

Team Volaris is initiating the process of submitting three new modules for TC review. As part of this process, seeking a PC approval. We have already created the three TCR tickets. These are TCR-35TCR-36, and TCR-37.A good starting point to learn more about the purpose of the three modules is the DCB Integration wiki page.

Dec 22, 2023 

Update from and feedback on PC Meeting hygiene subgroup

@Alexis Manheim@Paul Moeller @Martina Schildt

The PC Meeting Hygiene and Efficiency subgroup will report on what they've done and get feedback on changes.

Nov 1, 2023 

Entities Management followup. Will reach out to the MM-SIG

Feedback from MM SIG conveners regarding final report from the Entity Management Working Group
2023-08-31 Metadata Management Meeting notes

Should the MM SIG take over Entity Management work (or at least be the lead), should it be a new SIG, under another group, etc.? Then it was pointed out how much MM SIG already has responsibility for and that there are other groups like Acquisitions and ERM that would have a big stake in this as well.

@Charlotte Whitt and @Jennifer Eustis will speak with MM SIG conveners.

Sep 25, 2023 but PC notified and had an initial discussion on Aug 31, 2023 

Nov 30, 2023 SIG Reports subgroup is addressing this issue Does the Entity Management group fall under MM SIG or is it a SIG on its own?

State of QA for new releases

resulting from discussion at 2023-09-28 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

After a discussion about release management and timing, CSPs, etc, @Khalilah Gambrell suggested that we have members of the EPAM team at an upcoming PC meeting to talk about the state of QA.

Sep 29, 2023 

Oct 19, 2023

Flower release schedule - release dates and/or decreasing the number of annual releases, and how this fit in with the re-architectural decisions.

2023-09-21 Agenda and Meeting notes

@Kristin Martin 

Follow up from later than expected Quesnalia release date, feedback currently being gathered

Sep 25, 2023

Platform & Application Formalization Questions from the Technical Council

follow up from WOLFCon 2023


Sep 25, 2023 

is this for re-architecting subgroup or PC in general? will start in subgroup. See Re-Architecting Impact on the Product Council Oct 19, 2023 

Support SIG Community Developer

from @Anya

Need to recruit new developer

Nov 4, 2021 

Nov 11, 2021 

Edit by Charlotte Whitt (10/2/2023)

Need for additional Product Owners

from @Jesse Koennecke 

Jesse is discussing needs with Khalilah

While this remains an issue, I think this particular instance of trying to make progress is done.  Should probably discuss with others before removing. - Jesse

Jan 11, 2022 

Translation of documentation

from @Martina Schildt 

  • automated translation of https://docs.folio.org/docs/ possible?

  • would be preferable solution (sustainability)

  • German institutions have tested https://www.deepl.com/translator. This service produces better results in translation than e.g.  google translate, tested in day-to-day work 

  • API available, free version as well as DeepL Pro

  • glossary allows definition of how to translate words (often specific translation for library terminology needed)

  • topic for Feb 17, 2022?

  • Documentation SIG is taking care of translations

Feb 8, 2022 

Edit by Martina Schildt (10/04/2023)

Review the status of the calendar app.

From 2021-08-05 Product Council Meeting Notes

Cheryl will work more on the specifications of the problem, bringing in others from the RA SIG and FOLIO implementers as well as possibly developers from the Vega team.  This will likely then come back to product council.

Calendar App development taken on by Bama team. See: 2022-03-24 Product Council Meeting Notes. Did not have further discussion with PC.

Oct 20, 2021 

Establish criteria for newly developed apps and code contributions

From 2021-09-16 Product Council Meeting Notes

From 2021-09-30 Product Council Meeting notes

In coordination with Technical Council and Community Council, what is PC's criteria for accepting contributed code.  What alternatives exist if a contribution is not accepted; what does it mean if something is not accepted. In the context of the LDP inclusion discussion, the PC identified the need for its own criteria for accepting apps into the reference environments.  For instance, does an app meet the style guidelines?  And later in the meeting, is there a support commitment from the developers?

FOLIO Scope Criteria Group formed, meeting starting in December 2021. Update in June.

Sep 16, 2021 

Jun 2, 2022 

Edit by Charlotte Whitt (10/2/2023)

Review FOLIO Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives for PC items

Carry-over 2021-09-16 Product Council Meeting Notes

CC also identified items from the vision document that they thought was the responsibility of PC and TC.  Review the CC document in the context of the strategic objectives document. See the objectives with roles assigned: FOLIO Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives 

Conversation begun at 2021-10-07 Product Council Meeting notes

Sharon/Anya working on SWOT analysis with implementers' libraries

Sep 16, 2021 

Oct 7, 2021

Nov 4, 2021  

Privacy SIG New Charter

from @Peter Murray 

For an upcoming Product Council meeting, the Privacy SIG has revised its charter and is seeking endorsement: About the Privacy SIG

Nov 30, 2021 

Dec 9, 2021 

Update on WOLFCon development

From @Mike Gorrell

15 minute slot at that meeting to present FOLIO WOLFcon Planning and ask them to contribute their ideas and needs for WOLFcon sessions.

Nov 1, 2021 

Nov 11, 2021 

Identifying priorities for development for FOLIO

From 2021-10-14 Product Council Meeting Notes

@Anya, @Martina Schildt, @Tod Olson and @Jana Freytag volunteered to work on a group to look at the issue of feature ranking.

Oct 21, 2021 

May 19, 2022 

Update on Data Sync Working Group

From @Brooks Travis

Ways to synchronize data across FOLIO apps. Group work started in August under App Interaction.

Originally wanted to present November 18, moving back to December 2, then to December 9

Will provide discuss on Feb. 10 SIG Conveners

Nov 2, 2021 

Dec 9, 2021 

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