2024-07-18 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes (Quarterly Asia Pacific Friendly Time Zone meeting)


Jul 18, 2024

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Palo Alto, USA         Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 5:00 pm PDT
Chicago, USA           Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm CDT
Boston, USA            Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 8:00 pm EDT
London, United Kingdom Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 1:00 am BST
Berlin, Germany        Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 2:00 am CEST
Canberra, Australia    Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 10:00 am AEST


  • @Alexis Manheim@Kristin Martin @Brooks Travis @Peter Murray @Hua, Su-Yong @Alexis Manheim @Jesse Koennecke @Terence Ingram @Caitlin Stewart @Jenn Colt @Gang Zhou

  • Note taker: @Jennifer Eustis

 Discussion topics









5 min




July SIG Reports

July SIG reports are due.

Next week the PC discussion will focus on the tri-council meetings at WOLFCon. The sched agenda is up and posted (https://wolfcon2024.sched.com/ )

40 min

FOLIO Roadmap and Prioritization update



@Kristin Martin @Jenn Colt @Jesse Koennecke

FOLIO Roadmap and Prioritization Update

See slides (link in notes) for details. The release schedule is on the wiki and has everything that is ongoing. The working group is working ahead to these release by talking to POs, looking at the wiki. However, the wiki might not always be current. Hence the working group has reached out to teams. The most useful page is the project team PO dev lead responsibility matrix page. The working group also looked at the funding provider behind the teams.The working group wrangles these different information sources into a roadmap that covers 18 months. Jenn Colt has been creating dashboards in Jira that illustrates the road map for areas.

A pilot project was done by the Acquisition SIG on how to prioritize projects. This SIG used a lightweight method to let people vote or indicate which issues were important for them. In last week’s PC, there is interest in pushing this out to other groups. Advantages are that it is lightweight, simple to implement, uses existing tools. Disadvantages are decks can be stacked, difficult to track new issues, voting isn’t a directive.

Questions & Comments:

Alexis: The saying about the release frequency is good. Do you think that the outlook should be changed? Updating the roadmap twice a year is good. Already with Sunflower there isn’t a lot of information. One challenge is highlight what isn’t targeted.

Jesse: There are some stagnant requests. Some haven’t been formalized.

Jenn: Built a dashboard that didn’t have any teams or release data. If someone wants to do Jira dashboards, please contact Jenn. The PO’s owns the labels. Some things might not be in the dashboards. This input should be directed to this group to add to the dashboards.

Terence: Noting that releases have shifted from 4 to 3 to 2, will we go to just 1?

Brooks: This is down to the reformalization work going on on how to make FOLIO releases easier. This is being considered.

Jenn: We are difference model maybe not 1 release but it is still being determined.

Kristin: I don’t think we’d hit 1 release per year. Conversations in a tri-council meeting have occurred. We need to get to a continuous release and it needs to be easier for implementing institutions.

Terence: Upgrades are large. It would be lovely if certain apps would be released rather than the whole of FOLIO. How is each upgrade resourced and planned for? It takes a lot of resources.

Alexis: We also need to follow up on the CSP process and how this has worked compared to the hot fixes. Could the testing process raise some of those issues before it goes live? Did Martina suggest that the Acquisitions SIG would write something up?

Kristin: There is some information on the roadmap page and from the Acquisitions SIG.

Alexis: Should this go to the SIGs? Denis is an active PO. Should we present to the PO group?

Kristin: This should probably go to the POs. This could be a good idea to present to PO group.

Jesse: Imagine that POs have it on a cycle so things don’t linger.

Caitlin: In addition to developers, having something like this would be helpful for Library of Congress. There will be a point where LC wants to identify needs that overlap with the community. It’s helpful to have an easy way that the community feels about its priorities.

10 min

Topics from FOLIO China Community follow up




@Alexis Manheim @Jennifer Eustis


This wiki page came from a variety of institution. The Chinese community is working on a forked version of Goldenrod. When we received these issues, we thought that some of the functionality is available in a newer version of FOLIO or is coming. We thought we could direct folks from the Chinese community to the correct SIG or working group.

Yong Su: Has the first running FOLIO platform. More libraries are running FOLIO. For the MARC editor, they have a double editor. It’s not the official version. A lot of work needs to be done to maintain their localized version. They even had to work out how to print labels.

Alexis: You got information about label printing?

Yong Su: yes. A lot of help in Slack.

Alexis: Would it be possible to upgrade to a more recent version of FOLIO?

Yong Su: There aren’t enough developers to update. Once they are resourced, they will do this and contribute their work.

Kristin: When we were thinking of this, some of the issues around linked data support aren’t readily available. Is it an upgrade or a migration? It might be easier to migrate rather than upgrade.

Alexis: Are there other issues? Alexis will follow up on Slack.

5 min

Wrap up and future topics



Next week: WOLFCon council meeting agenda planning
Liaison assignments: Can PC members look at the liaison list? There are SIGs/Working groups without liaisons.

 Action items

@Alexis Manheim Follow up on Slack with Chinese community to see if all their questions have been addressed.
