2023-09-20 Meeting notes Meeting Hygiene and Efficiency Subgroup

2023-09-20 Meeting notes Meeting Hygiene and Efficiency Subgroup




  • Set schedule for ongoing meeting
  • Review and select items from WOLFCon meeting to follow up on
  • Assign asynchronous work

Discussion items


5 minSchedule future meetingsall

Does this time work going forward? How often should we meet?

Every two weeks for a limited run. ACM will ask Peter M. for a zoom and send out invitation.

45 min

 Review/discuss spreadsheet with ideas from WOLFCon

How can we adjust planning and running of PC meetings to be more efficient and accomplish more?

timer on zoom keep on track; end 5 mintues early


Time zone inclusiveness: Certain SIGs, just PC, summary meetings, invest in more/better asynchronous work, one or two meetings a week to try, survey for overseas folks, which SIGs you wish you could attend, or a meeting so we can be more inclusing and ask; reporting SIG does have different times and same agenda, same core leaders show up at both; all the other hygiene stuff in place, maybe we could rotate meetings and everyone could keep up with what is going on; how would it work with co-chairs (split geography?); summary meeting once a month? what time would that be? leave more time to decide on issues; better tools to make comments -- retroboard. PM will look into options for meeting time(s) that work for the most possible time zones.

Meeting length: Already trying out shorter meeting times/one hour long meetings. Will also test out ending 5 minutes early.

Tracking future topics: Update existing page and add a space for non-PC members to suggest topics. MS will work on this.

Adjust/structure meeting template to include action items, decisions, status (approved, disapproved, forwarded to XX,) Are there ways to use wiki better to track decisions, topics, and get feedback, etc.? ACM will work on this

It was suggested that we could have each member of the PC be responsible one small portion of the hygiene practices going forward so not everything falls on the Chairs.

Decision: End PC meetings at 55 min after the hour to allow for transition to next appointment

10 minPlan asynchronous workallMS will play around with topics list and share in 2 weeks
PM will look at possible time zone options to accommodate the most folks
ACM will work on meeting template

Action items

  • Alexis Manheim Add time zone inclusiveness topic to the agenda for the 9/28 PC meeting  

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