2024-09-12 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

2024-09-12 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes


Sep 12, 2024


  • @Alexis Manheim@Charlotte Whitt @Lucy Harrison @Brooks Travis @Gang Zhou @Jennifer Eustis @Tod Olson @Kristin Martin @Martina Schildt @Amelia Sutton @Martin Scholz @Jesse Koennecke @Jenn Colt @Irina Pokhylets @Thomas Trutt @Gurleen Kaur1 @Kalibek Turgumbayev @Martina Tumulla @Caitlyn Stewart @Patrick Pace (Unlicensed)

  • Note taker: @Charlotte Whitt

 Discussion topics









5 min



  • Decision on mod-marc-migrations and  mod-record-specifications

    • these modules all passed, and the decision will be recorded in the Decision log

  • @Jesse Koennecke WOLFCon updates -

    • Pre-conference 9/23/2024: 4 workshops on FOLIO and 1 on VuFind

    • Full agenda for the WOLFcon days. Most will be recorded and later published on YouTube. The Zoom is set up to record automatically

    • Shoulder meetings 9/27/2024: Will most likely be in the Senate House.

5 min

Developer Advocate update

@Patrick Pace (Unlicensed)

Patrick Pace shared his report for August.

He has met with the Thor (Index Data) team, and Release meeting introduction. Patrick found it had been good to have interaction with the FOLIO developers.

Also worked on the developer documentation together with the group. Caitlin Stewart asked how the best way would be to contact the Developer Documentation Group, and here Patrick responded that getting in contact with him would work well.

45 min

Presentation on Reading Room functionality

@Irina Pokhylets and @Amelia Sutton

Link to slidedeck:

Two new modules: mod-reading-room and ui-reading-room

New app: Reading room access.

5 new permissions.



Users view:

User profile:

Reading room access log:


Alexis asked wether if the Reading room access app can be used by 3rd party system allowing access to rooms with entry security control (access control). Currently the Reading room access is a manual process.

Kristin Martin could see the use for large libraries with this new apps. Amelia explained that libraries who is not interested in using the functionality, here if not assigning the permissions then there will be no changes to the current display on the user record.

Thomas Trutt and Martin Scholz suggest access to a conference area, maker space, staff officies etc. could also be supported by this app.

Caitlin Stewart explained that having this access control is important for LoC, e.g. in case where some people have been restricted to get access to certain materials.

The current work is what is required by LoC for them to go live. At this time no further work is planned for enhancements.

Thomas Trutt explained that Reading Room Circulation Functionality can be understood more as persistent request. The patron can continue to use the material for a longer time period, but with the restriction that the material to leave the library.

Brooks Travis asked if Reading Room Access should be changed to Room Access, which then would allow for access to other types of rooms with restricted access. Gurleen Kaur said it will be a little bit tricky to rename the module. Better to change it sooner than later.

The general consensus is that the naming is confusing. Amelia Sutton will talk with Tim Auger about this.

Gurleen Kaur said that the TC Review process was completed - TCR-41 and TCR-42

Kristin Martin reminded about that it is important that new modules was presented earlier and not in the 11th hour. So even smaller changes is not possible.

5 min

Future topics


Next meeting (9/19/2024)
SIG Updates, and Oleksii Petrenko will come and give an update on the Critical Service Patches.

 Action items


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