2023-07-13 Product Council Meeting Notes

2023-07-13 Product Council Meeting Notes




Discussion items

5 minAnnouncementsAll @

Group meeting on Monday, 7/17 to complete the Dev Advocate proposal. Any last minute comments by the end of the day.

  • proposal goes back to CC on  

Watch the video on updated TCR process.

  • may generally be a good way to share information with the Community in the future

Anya in chat: Oakland University (Michigan) went live on full FOLIO on July 5th - I believe they are the first Alma library to complete their migration to FOLIO in the USA.

Agenda for WOLFcon 2023 is available: https://wolfcon2023.sched.com/

LC has officially joined the FOLIO Community.

15 min

SIG updates and Liaisons 

Clarification of responsibilities

PC members should have done this before the meeting today. Any gaps?

  • Subgroups of MM will be covered by Charlotte Whitt and Jennifer Eustis as MM liaisons 
  • TBD We need a PC liaison for Privacy, the group is moderately active 
  • We need a PC liaison for Open Access → Owen Stephens will take over this role
  • What is the responsibility of PC liaisons
    • being the contact between the SIG/Council and PC
    • if something comes up in a SIG, that needs discussion in PC, the liaison will raise it in a PC meeting
    • concerns from the PC will be communicated to the SIG
    • as an option: liaison could give a summary of PC meetings - some write reports once a month
    • facilitate awareness

FUTURE TOPIC we need to differentiate between the roles of SIG convener (who gives reports to the PC once a month) and the PC liaison

10 minRelease Planning Stakeholders meeting updateJennifer Eustis 

Two issues were approved for the Orchid Critical Service Patch 3:

This issue has been pushed out and excluded from the Nolana CSP 2:

  • MODSOURCE-659 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Why is it pushed? → Harry: it is in testing and not ready - it needs more work and there is a workaround existing
  • what is the relase process?
    • POs raise awareness for bugs that need fixing and give information on testing period, when fix will be ready etc. 
    • the fix will be approved as a critical service patch
    • then a date will be set for the patch to be released
  • Owen in chat: The last update from Oleksii to product owners on this was:
    I just want to remind you that for post release delivery we are using Critical Service Patch process - Critical Service Patch Process Our upcoming Patches are for Nolana and Orchid: Orchid (R1 2023) Service Patch #3 and Nolana (R3 2022) Service Patch #2. No particular dates for each Service Patch - just release after each sprint.
  • Harry: Ideally, no service patches are needed; but bugs cannot always be caught in testing
  • sometimes security issues can only become apparent after a release
  • Jennifer in chat: These can also be disruptive to libraries especially after upgrading
  • the new release process needs reviewing as well
  • question by Charlotte in chat: Who will be responsible for the review of the CSP process: RMS/CC/PC?
    • who will initiate it?
    • Harry: this is ongoing and done by developers - but needs time
    • Alexis: RMS should bring in whoever will be needed for evaluation

Critical Service Patch Dashboards:

There is a new and open Slack channel for Release Management Stakeholder

Question: when will the Critical service patches be released? → This information should be part of the CSP Dashboards

5-10 minManaging AWS costs TC subgroup Tod Olson 

Technical Council has drafted some new procedures for managing our ongoing AWS costs, after a request from Community Council.  CC has a necessary role in the process and I just asked them to weigh in.  PC should be aware of the new oversight group we're proposing and comments there about PC.

  • some more oversight on AWS is desired and needed
  • AWS Cost Review Group - page is in progress by a subgroup

    • not a lot of changes are expected
    • waits for approval by CC - initial reactions were positive - deadline for feedback/approval  
  • Responsibilities:
  • the 3 members are representing Kitfox (Yogesh Kumar , FOLIO QA coordinator and Kitfox PO), CC (TBD) and TC (Peter Murray)
  • Peter has been monitoring AWS costs / budgets for years now
  • Alexis: PC is invited to participate, but participation is optional
  • Charlotte: how is the expensiveness of the code calculated - via number of transactions?
    • That would help us think about how we can create the code to be less expensive
    • Peter: transactions should not have that much impact - no significant factor
    • good to have a group of people that is looking after aws costs now (more minds = more experience)
  • any open wishes or questions by PC - are we fine with our role?
  • FEEDBACK from PC: sounds all good
20 min

Planning for what PC needs to cover at WOLFcon

Spreadsheet with sessions and Council meeting topics

Sched is up

  • Councils will meet on Friday, after the WOLFcon
  • there will be individual Council meetings and tri-council meetings
  • Topics proposed in the PC call:
    • Roadmap and future prioritization
    • Plan for what PC will be focussing on over next 18 months
  • the discusison will be continued in next weeks until WOLFcon
  • ideas can be added any time to the document
5 minFuture topics

Support SIG, issues/bugs that need attention

Release Planning Stakeholder's review of Critical Service Patch process (after Poppy release)

No meeting next week  

Action items
