2023-03-09 Product Council Meeting notes

2023-03-09 Product Council Meeting notes




Discussion items

5 minAnnouncementsAll

Daylight Savings time starts in the US on Sunday, March 12. FOLIO meetings shift accordingly.

The China FOLIO conference was held last week. Over 700 attendees in-person and 20,000 attendees online, including leaders, librarians, researchers and developers from 128 public libraries, 106 academic libraries and 33 companies in the library industry. See Smart, Inclusive, and Exceeding: Towards Metaverse Library 3.0 for more details.

45 min

SIG updates:

 SIG ConvenersSee heading below
5 min

Topics for future meetings

  • Elections
  • Revisit definitions

Half of the product council is up for election, and the process is being reviewed. Reach out to any PC member to learn about what it entails. Your institution must be a member of FOLIO, and the bylaws say that only one member from each institution per council.

Definitions document:
Chairs of the councils have been working on revisions. This might be ready for next week.

SIG Updates

Documentation Working Group (Martina Tumulla)

Marcia rejoined the documentation project with funding from the FOLIO members. Marcia is working on an application for the Google Season of Docs. The working group reviewed documentation efforts. April 3rd is the deadline for Orcid documentation changes. The group reviewed the workflow for creating documentation. Knowledge transfer between Marcia and Paul is happening. The group meets the second Wednesday of the month.

SysOps (Ingolf Kuss)

  • No Zoom meetings in the past 4 weeks, but a lot of communication on the Slack channel.
    • calendar/service point fixes for Nolana (calendar migration to Nolana)
    • Permission issues when going from  Lotus - Morning Glory - Nolana
    • Okapi v4.14.9 has a bug → Okapi v4.14.11
  • Data Migration group meets bi-weekly
  • #network-traffic-control-wg subgroup :  test system has been established, no scripts yet
  • #discovery group meets bi-weekly. Last meeting Feb 28, next on March 14

Implementers (Tara Barnett)

  • Implementers is going to have a pretty quiet March.
    • March 14, 2023: Tara will be away. We wanted to do another Bugfest working session like we did last year, and I was hoping I could get a volunteer who has done Bugfest to promise to show up?
    • March 21, 2023: No agenda--this slot is open if anyone has a topic.
    • March 28, 2023: Data Import. Note: this goal of this session will be to help newer users understand the conversations happening elsewhere, not to collect additional problems with data import.
  • A couple topics are scheduled for April: Topic Calendar and Idea Bank - 2024. Other ideas are welcome and appreciated!
  • A little behind on notes, but will catch up soon. 🙂

User Management (Maura Byrne)

  • We had an in-depth discussion about this point: 
    • “The Checkout app allows looking up a patron by name, but the search results generated do not have the same columns as when searching for a user in the Users app.”
  • We discussed ways of approaching how to get an export of an entire patron record to comply with GDPR.
    • Direct API query
    • Screen capture
    • Ask for an action in the Actions menu to create a printer-friendly version.

App Interaction (Martina Schildt)

  • We compared the different external workflow solutions that have been presented to App Interaction SIG → relevant meeting notes | February 13th
  • Discussed possible next steps
  • Jeremy Huff from TAMU presented again on mod-camunda work and current status of development
    • Mod-camunda/mod-workflow  is planned to be part of future flower releases
    • To raise awareness we aim for a discussion with PC
    • We plan to compare functionality with existing in app workflow needs
  • Next topics: printing in FOLIO and further UX/UI needs

Acquisitions (Dung-Lan Chen)

  • We’ve had only three meetings since the last PC SIG updates in February.  Three meetings got canceled when Dennis was out of the office and not receiving interest from the group wanting to meet to discuss something 
  • We made some progress discussing Implementers’ Topics in one meeting
  • We completed ACQ SIG Convenor survey (16 responses) & shared the survey feedback in a recent meeting.  Heather and I answered questions raised in the survey and clarified what our roles are as co-convenors and proposed actions we can take (such as inviting new members to introduce themselves if they’d like, stay longer after meeting ends to meet with new members if they could stay, offer opportunities for people to speak before main agenda begins in each meeting, etc.)  
  • This Tuesday (March 7), Scott Perry presented “Chicago’s Invoicing/Voucher Workflow” & Q&A.  This topic is of great interest to implementers and also to those who plan to implement soon, so we had a larger group of attendees and rather lively discussions.  Dennis suggested in Slack channel after the meeting to dedicate an upcoming meeting to further discuss the architecture and use cases of how people are using external systems to retrieve/update invoicing and voucher data, etc. that can be add to UXPROD-3552 - Getting issue details... STATUS . ACQ SIG will continue conversations around this important topic for sure.  Meeting notes and recording of Scott’s presentation (March 7) are available if interested.

ERM (Martina Tumulla & Martina Schildt)

The ERM SIG started to discuss

  • Options for the display of the new Agreements “Content types” field
  • Finding details of titles that are part of an agreement

Resource Access (Jana Freytag and Cornelia Awenius)

  • Recalls - Show & Tell
  • Open Discussion Round
  • Bugfest

Reporting (Angela Zoss and Sharon Beltaine)

  • LDP1 and Metadb query development efforts
    • New scripting project will loop through derived tables and produce Markdown documentation, supplemented by extra information from developers
    • Preparing for FOLIO Analytics release 1.6.0 to coincide with Orchid
    • FOLIO Analytics Review Board has brought in three people previously unaffiliated with Reporting SIG (two from Germany, one from Australia)
    • Training in SIG meeting on querying primary entries and date-time functions
    • Ongoing efforts to add data field comments to tables in both LDP1 and Metadb
  • TAMU will present on their reporting environment on Monday, March 13 in the SIG meeting
  • Have a draft of Acquisitions and ERM Data Model training that will be shared March 16 in the SIG meeting
  • Have two subgroups that are struggling for membership: Metadata Management and Resource Access/User Management. People with subject matter expertise in these areas who are interested in learning more about reporting would be very welcome!

SIG conveners (Martina Schildt)

  • Discussed how to improve onboarding of new SIG members | Meeting minutes Feb 14th
  • Next meeting March 28th about definition and charge of SIG membership

Metadata Management (Felix Hemme and Raegan Wiechert)

  • Christine Schultz-Richert has lead a discussion about call number browse requirements. The options to browse by call numbers should not focus only on North American schemes, but rather should include global call number types as well. There was a question around: should the call number type be mandatory? At the moment, it's an optional element. The SIG came up with reasons for not having a type, if a call number is set, so it should stay optional.
  • Charlotte and Felix presented the plans on holdings source ID and item source ID.
  • Ann-Marie explained details about the MARC to Instance default mapping and what happens when the mappings are updated with a new release.
  • MARC SRS Search API demo by Jenn Colt

Chat Log

00:05:03	Maura Byrne: BRB
00:06:23	Owen Stephens: Wow
00:07:23	Owen Stephens: So great to hear this interest in the software
00:07:59	Maura Byrne: I’m back
00:10:11	Tiewei Liu: Yes. More and more libraries and companies in China became interested in the folio/Yunhan LSP.
00:12:36	Felix Hemme (ZBW): Thanks for letting me start, I have to leave for today.
00:12:51	Kristin Martin: Reacted to "Thanks for letting m..." with 👍
00:24:39	Maura Byrne: I can bring it up in UM-SIG, to see if we can get any volunteers.
00:25:03	Owen Stephens: That’s correct
00:26:23	Owen Stephens: There is a template that Oleksii shared with me last time https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yDYttmMulPZoTf9jsAwcv51IjSyBTmXRLL_4CdDXrSU/edit#slide=id.p
00:26:39	Owen Stephens: And that includes information on doing videos with subtitles https://wiki.folio.org/display/~Natalia+Zaitseva/CapCut%3A+how+to+add+subtitles+to+video
00:27:06	Tara Barnett: Reacted to "And that includes in..." with ❤️
00:27:24	Owen Stephens: But totally agree that this is not a fixed format and can be used or replaced with something new from my perspective anyway - whatever is going to work best for users / implementers and the teams providing the updates
00:29:38	Karen Newbery: I need to drop off for another meeting. Have a good week!
00:35:57	Paul Kloppenborg | BSZ: due to another Meeting I have to leave. Thanks and have a good week
00:45:55	Marc Johnson: +1 Maura, the cross posting can cause announcement fatigue
00:47:32	Martina Schildt: And I think it is a good idea to think about it in SIG convener meeting
00:47:46	Maura Byrne: +1 Martina
00:47:55	Peter Murray: Yeah, I don't remember why bugfest is a private Slack channel.
00:48:54	Charlotte Whitt: Also many of the TestRail tickets are being picked up by EPAM testers, before the community users, get a change to assign to the tickets.
00:49:01	Marc Johnson: The BugFest channel being private is historical. 

It dates back to when the project and the folks involved was much smaller.

And it predates the guidance about using public channels.
00:50:08	Charlotte Whitt: Previously I think Anton did announce the Bugfest start in many slack channels, and the the EPAM tester picked remaining work, after the testers had assigned the tickets they were able to pick up
01:02:10	Carol Sterenberg: Thank you!
01:02:11	Angela Zoss: Thanks!