2023-02-28 Product Council Meeting notes

2023-02-28 Product Council Meeting notes




Discussion items

5 minAnnouncementsAll
  • FOLIO China conference is going on this week. 600 people have registered to attend the onsite conference as of last Friday. This reached the maximum number of people that the auditorium can accommodate. The conference is held in hybrid mode. The number of online attendance needs to be confirmed by post-meeting statistics.
  • Onboarding Group update: the group thought they should try out the presentation before LC; the tentative date is next Friday at 9am for a Stanford audience with a range of experience with FOLIO.
20 min

BugFest getting underway and release notes updates

It's not too late to participate!

66% of the test cases have been claimed. Bugfest will start on Monday.

Oleksii Petrenko has started the release digest and gave a preview of what it will contain. The video will come out tomorrow. Oleksii is looking for help from Product Council in generating the release digest presentation and video. He estimates it takes 1-2 days after the release date to create this content. Is this something appropriate for the Roadmap group?

 45 min

WOLFCon 2023

Brainstorm conversation:

  • WOLFCon 2022 retrospective:
    • What went well?
    • What did we miss?
    • What would add to the experience?
  • What should be the process for collecting topics and ideas from the SIGs?
    • How should we divide time between formal presentations and working meetings?

The contract is not completely finalized. Christopher Spalding is the lead contact with the U-Chicago conference center from the OLF.  (The people from U-Chicago on the PC call are not involved with the negotiations.)

Lessons from 2022

  • Differentiate the presentation sessions from the council sessions and the working group sessions.
  • Have more clarity about the purpose of the session: informational, marketing, discussion/decision. Can some sessions be pre-recorded for review before an in-person session?
  • Can a day be added that is devoted to council meetings? Can ALA be looked at as a potential model (where the board meets before and after the formal meeting)? These pre- and post-meetings would be smaller. There was mention of this in the meeting prospectus. Making clear the purpose of the meetings (information-sharing versus decision-making).
  • Vision work does particularly well when we have had past FOLIO in-person meetings.
  • Have a series on how to install FOLIO
  • In-person meetings are also about refreshing and building relationships
  • Workflows and the cross-app development work as well as how libraries are solving problems
  • Repeat the show-and-tell sessions (perhaps with a different, more explanatory title)
  • Have more developer-relevant sessions so they can get the face-to-face relationship building (considered as a track?); related also to how new institutions want to add developers...have an orientation session for them
  • Were the plenary sessions helpful? The presentation from Nancy Kirkpatrick brought a helpful, different perspective
  • Last year we struggled getting meeting topics from SIGs with the uncertainty of whether people would be attending WOLFcon because the meeting topics were not known
  • Put the most important discussion at the end to encourage people to say
  • Would a theme for the FOLIO part (or in conjunction with an OLF theme) help guide the vision for what we want to talk about?
5 minAgenda topics for next timeAll

How can Product Council help with the release digest? This is PC's opportunity to get involved with what is coming out and be able to report back to PC. Is it solely an administrative, information-gathering function or is it a more active role?

SIG updates are next week.

Chat log

00:23:45	Martina Schildt | VZG: +1 Kirstin
00:24:54	Peter Murray: Oh, nuts -- I've forgotten about the list of presentations to transfer from the recording site into YouTube.
00:27:11	Charlotte Whitt: One goal with the Face to Face meeting is: Keep up the general energy in the FOLIO work and development
00:27:27	Tod Olson: Reacted to "One goal with the Fa..." with ✔️
00:27:30	Kirstin Kemner-Heek: Reacted to "One goal with the Fa..." with ✔️
00:33:24	Peter Murray: Potential origins of the phrase: "get down to brass tacks" https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/get_down_to_brass_tacks  (Today-I-Learned...)
00:33:29	Anya N. Arnold: Thanks - looking forward to see you all… need to take children to school
00:34:04	Alexis Manheim (Stanford): Pretzels
00:35:04	Kristin Martin: Reacted to "Thanks - looking for..." with 👍
00:35:24	Ian Walls: my quick idea:  a 3 meeting series on "How do we make FOLIO easier to install"
1. Clarify what the challenges to installation are
2. Ideate on how to overcome them
3. Actually implement some of the solutions
00:35:25	Tod Olson: Replying to "Potential origins of..."

Let's hope it's more like the hardware store and less like the coffin or gun stock.
00:35:39	Peter Murray: Reacted to "Let's hope it's more..." with âž•
00:36:18	Maura Byrne: Replying to "Potential origins of..."

All this time I thought it came from Cockney rhyming slang, meaning “get down to facts.”
00:37:42	Karen Newbery: Well said, Kirstin!
00:39:24	Charlotte Whitt: + 1 Sharon (workflow, and cross app sig topics)
00:40:38	Kirstin Kemner-Heek: +1 Martina
00:41:03	Ian Walls: +1 Charlotte
00:41:10	Martina Schildt | VZG: +1 Charlotte
00:41:18	Martina Schildt | VZG: Reacted to "+ 1 Sharon (workflow..." with 👍
00:41:19	Maura Byrne: +1 Charlotte
00:41:20	Kirstin Kemner-Heek: +1 Charlotte
00:41:20	Gang Zhou | SHL: +1 Charlotte
00:41:53	Brooks Travis: Perhaps it would be very helpful if there was a “getting started with FOLIO development” intensive track
00:42:59	Tod Olson: Software inflammation
00:45:23	Maura Byrne: +1 Kristin
00:45:57	Charlotte Whitt: Yes, she brought in ‘humanity’ is a great and intellectual way
00:46:13	Kirstin Kemner-Heek: Reacted to "Yes, she brought in ..." with 👍
00:46:26	Sharon Wiles-Young: Reacted to "Yes, she brought in ..." with 👍
00:46:43	Martina Schildt | VZG: Reacted to "Yes, she brought in ..." with 👍
00:49:58	Maura Byrne: Would it make sense to have open spaces for unstructured discussion?  Like a “workflow free-for-all”
00:50:54	Ian Walls: Set aside scheduled Breakout Session time
00:52:17	Ian Walls: Kirstin++
00:52:19	Paul Kloppenborg | BSZ: Kirstin +1
00:53:00	Charlotte Whitt: But not an ending session, which blow up all the coming years planning ;-)
00:53:10	Kirstin Kemner-Heek: Reacted to "But not an ending se..." with 😂
00:54:02	Paul Kloppenborg | BSZ: Reacted to "But not an ending se..." with 😂
00:54:39	Charlotte Whitt: It could be: FOLIO in the landscape of other 3rd party tools
00:55:22	Kristin Martin: https://wiki.folio.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=79468624
01:00:30	Alexis Manheim (Stanford): Coordination and communication