2023-03-16 Produt Council Meeting notes

2023-03-16 Produt Council Meeting notes




Discussion items

5 minAnnouncements


(Tiewei Liu) Several new members have joined the FOLIO China community after the recent community meeting. Also, FOLIO China vendors decided to upgrade to a new flower release -- not sure which release yet. A request was made for an overview of new extensions when ready.

Sharon Wiles-Young announced that she will not be running for PC again because she is retiring from Lehigh at the end of May.

30 minFOLIO Terminology Version 2

Kristin presented an overview of the terminology document, which was updated to v.2 by Kristin, Simeon Warner, Jenn Colt. They took feedback and suggestions from discussion at the tri-council meeting earlier in the week into account and came up with standard language. Acknowledged that we cannot remove all ambiguity, but hope this will bring about a common understanding. FOLIO is many things. FOLIO is an acronym and an adjective, etc. Charlotte proposed including it on docs.folio.org? Agreement that this was a good idea. Overall positive feedback, practical document, not too specific.

For maintenance over time, Kristin suggested asking the Documentation group to handle this. If it needs larger changes, it should come back to the councils. 

A PC vote will be held in Slack over the next week.

15 minProduct Council elections

There was a discussion about the elections process at CC meeting on Monday. Harry, Marc, and Mike are managing logistics this year, although they are not a nominations committee. We need to reach out to people and ask them to run.
Suggest a strong PO presence on PC, having Brooks and Owen now is so helpful. POs are busy, but their perspective is invaluable. Ex: Strengthen communication between POs and roadmap group. Understand resourcing. For those on SIGs, if there is someone there who seems particularly engaged, reach out to them about running. Should every PC member recruit someone to run? From SIG ranks is important. Have experience working with FOLIO. Higher level, not necessarily technical.

There will be no major chances in governance before this election, but the plan is to meet at WOLFCon and talk about how elections went this year.

5 minAgenda topics for next time

At the next tri-council meeting in April, we will talk about the Evaluation Process for new FOLIO LSP Functionality.
There is also now a space on the wiki for tri-council chairs meeting notes

Update from Roadmap group next week.
Martina is working with group from RA to pilot a new prioritization process

Onboarding group presentation demo tomorrow (Friday) at noon ET.

00:03:10	Brooks Travis:	And Boston is windier than Chicago 🙂
00:08:59	Tod Olson:	Noooo!!
00:09:10	Alexis Manheim:	Sharon!!!
00:09:16	Martina Schildt | VZG:	We will miss you!
00:09:32	Kirstin Kemner-Heek:	We will miss you Sharon!
00:09:39	Jana Freytag:	We will miss you a lot 🐝
00:09:46	Charlotte Whitt:	What a great suggestion Kristin
00:09:55	Tiewei Liu:	+1
00:10:23	Brooks Travis:	The Midwest in August… pleasant…? 😄
00:16:28	Charlotte Whitt:	Can we also include it in docs.folio.org? (Our User documentation)
00:17:27	Charlotte Whitt:	I like it too 😊
00:17:36	Gang Zhou | SHL:	+1
00:18:08	Martina Schildt | VZG:	+1 from me as well
00:18:37	Brooks Travis:	Words! Bah! 🙂
00:19:00	Charlotte Whitt:	100% true
00:24:19	Charlotte Whitt:	+1 Kristin
00:24:41	Martina Schildt | VZG:	Good idea
00:28:55	Tod Olson:	So we're tasking Sharon with recruiting someone to run for PC!
00:29:34	Sharon Wiles-Young:	will DO!
00:35:52	Kristin Martin:	https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CC/Tri-Council+Chairs+Meetings

Action items
